3 Signs You Need To Bring In A Content Marketing Agency

3 Signs You Need To Bring In A Content Marketing Agency. Your marketing is focused only on bottom-funnel leads. In other words, a site perfect for low-funnel leads but no one else. No matter where a prospect is in the sales funnel, they should receive something of value from your site—for example, blog posts with industry news and downloadable content that addresses their needs. Partnering with another agency who can help you target leads at other stages of the buyer’s journey will result in a more powerful marketing strategy since attracting higher-funnel leads helps you nurture long-lasting relationships. Except you have no lead scoring or marketing automation in place, and your sales team ends up investing their time in low-quality leads. To make matters worse, when they do manage to start a conversation with a potentially strong lead, the lack of marketing automation means every time a rep wants to learn more about the prospect or communicate with them, he or she has to do it manually. But you’re ready to try something new—for example, content marketing. Your current agency only offers traditional, outbound marketing services such as direct mail, TV commercials and print ads but can’t provide assistance with content (a.k.a. There are plenty of inbound agencies who can work with you and your existing agency to develop and execute a content marketing strategy that complements your current outbound marketing efforts.

The Top B2B Content Marketing Trends to Watch This Year [Infographic]
The Complete Google Analytics Guide: How to Measure Content Marketing Conversions + ROI
Who Should Be in Charge of Producing Content?
Changing your marketing can be a challenge. And it’s certainly easier to say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

However, just because your marketing isn’t broke doesn’t mean you should ignore the possibility that it could be better.

We’re not saying your current marketing team or agency is falling short; they could be doing an excellent job. But some companies find themselves in a position where their marketing could use a boost. And building on a successful strategy can only make your marketing better.

Take a look at these three signs you might need to add another agency to the mix.

Your marketing is focused only on bottom-funnel leads.

Your agency has optimized your website to the extreme, and it’s built excellent search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns. As a result, the sales team is receiving a steady flow of organic and paid search leads.

But the problem is the agency only has the capabilities to target prospects who are ready to talk partnership. So when a prospect lands on your site, he or she is greeted by what is essentially a brochure for your brand and only one conversion opportunity: a “Contact Us” page. In other words, a site perfect for low-funnel leads but no one else.

As a result, you’re missing a big piece of the pie. Multiple pieces, actually.

Visitors to your site are at every stage of the buyer’s journey—from Awareness to Consideration to Decision. If they’re not ready to buy yet and the only thing your website does is tell them how great you are and encourage them to get in touch NOW, you’re proposing on the first date. Bad idea. No matter where a prospect is in the sales funnel,…