5 Bulletproof Tips and Tricks for Sales and Marketing

5 Bulletproof Tips and Tricks for Sales and Marketing

Author: Irina Weber / Source: Marketing Insider Group Every time when you finally go into buying something, you want to end it up not wit

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5 Bulletproof Tips and Tricks for Sales and Marketing

Every time when you finally go into buying something, you want to end it up not with the value-priced product, you want to go with something wish-list product with all whistles and bells.

Each marketer asks himself how to better work with sales and marketing. Sometimes the best way to achieve good results is to be open-minded and flexible and try something new. Here are five effective tips and tricks you should try out. If you get these tips in your arsenal, I would recommend you to brush up your skills.

  1. Use the power of customer reviews

Everyone knows how important is use the power of customer reviews. Based on the SEL research, 88% of clients trust online reviews and personal recommendations. If you know people who have already enjoyed your services or product, you can kindly ask them to get reviews from them.

You’ve noticed that most buyers on Amazon and eBay like to leave feedbacks about their purchases. It is good practice to focus on the importance of seller performance. No matter customers provide positive, negative or neutral comments, you can increase your brand credibility and rank your products in the top positions.


Some companies like Sleep Junkie create a list of reviews where they compare different brands and put their own product into perspective. This is a specifically good tactic when you launch a new product.


Client reviews help you boost your traffic and visibility. Make sure that services and products with ratings can sell up to 200% products than products without any ratings. Focus on the optimization of your purchase tunnel that will generate more sales on your website.

Publishing customer reviews can give you detailed insight what makes your clients satisfied and what makes them upset. It will give you an option to find possible solutions to their problems and provide excellent customer service.

  1. Leave clear actions

You don’t need to speak in generalities. The goal is to increase sales and improve your marketing strategies. It is important to let people know about clear actions they should do before taking the buying decision. Using a right call-to-action can guide clients to perform a target task and build certain promises. Make sure that promises provide with more effective efforts and keep your business inside the sales organization.

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