5 Strategies to Keep Your Email Marketing Out of Gmail’s Promotions Tab

5 Strategies to Keep Your Email Marketing Out of Gmail’s Promotions Tab

One of the main reasons your messages end up in Gmail's Promotions tab is because people don't realize that Gmail has the ability to track whether a contact opens and clicks in your emails. If a contact always opens and clicks in your emails, your messages have a better chance of going to the Primary tab. On the other hand, sending emails that your contacts ignore tells Gmail they're not interested and the messages are more likely to be sent to the Promotions tab. For example, businesses use lots of images and go into the Promotions tab; friends don't and go to the Primary tab. Excessive use of links will send your messages to the Promotions tab or Spam folder for the same reason as using multiple images. Not personalizing your messages is another big reason why emails get sent to the Promotions tab. Like images and links, one too many emojis, as well as certain words, can also cause your email to go to the Promotions tab. Gmail is the market leader behind only the iPhone email app with a 24 percent share of the email market. Occasionally, when you sign up for an enewsletter or marketing promotion, the business provides instructions on how to keep its emails from going to the Promotions tab, or so-called "white-listing." After someone joins your list, the first email you send them should be instructions for how to ensure he or she gets your content.

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5 Strategies to Keep Your Email Marketing Out of Gmail's Promotions Tab

As an entrepreneur, email marketing can power a strong revenue stream for your business. With more than 1 billion people using Gmail each month, chances are you have quite a few people on your email list using the platform.

With Gmail playing such an important role in your email marketing, it’s important to know how to keep your marketing emails to stay out of Gmail’s Promotions tab and instead ensure your emails are delivered to your audience’s primary inbox tab.

Although only Google knows its exact algorithm for flagging emails as Promotions, there are several things you can do to increase the odds of landing in the primary inbox.

Segment your lists.

One of the main reasons your messages end up in Gmail’s Promotions tab is because people don’t realize that Gmail has the ability to track whether a contact opens and clicks in your emails. If a contact always opens and clicks in your emails, your messages have a better chance of going to the Primary tab.

On the other hand, sending emails that your contacts ignore tells Gmail they’re not interested and the messages are more likely to be sent to the Promotions tab.

To avoid “teaching” Gmail that your contact is not interested in hearing from you, leverage an email marketing tactic called list segmentation. This is when you send emails to your list to get customers to “raise their hand” by clicking on a link in the email that indicates their interests and automatically adds them to a segmented list in your email marketing software.

Once you know that, you’re able to send targeted emails to your contacts that will have a higher chance of being opened, read and clicked on. And the more a contact engages with your emails, the more likely you are to avoid the Promotions tab.

For images, less is more.

Using multiple images is another reason why messages end up in the Promotions tab or Spam folder.

In addition to being able to track how a contact engages with your content,…