5 Ways to Use Periscope to Connect With Customers

social media how to Looking for new ways to connect with your customers? Have you considered live video via Periscope? Broadcasting live on Periscope lets you build meaningful relationships with your customers and prospects. One way you can make this happen is by hosting product demos on Periscope. Among the most popular Internet videos are product unboxings and demos on YouTube. With Periscope, you can host live demos in which customers can ask questions, and you can highlight features they want to know more about. The key to a successful product demo is to set up the right camera angles and keep an eye on the comments. As far as comments go, you won’t be able to respond to all of them, but do try to answer a handful of questions so that viewers feel like they’re being heard. #5: Crowdsource Feedback With social media, it’s possible that formal focus groups as we know them will begin to disappear, while impromptu online conversations will become more popular. With the right audience, you can stream a session and crowdsource ideas.

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social media how to

Looking for new ways to connect with your customers?

Have you considered live video via Periscope?

Broadcasting live on Periscope lets you build meaningful relationships with your customers and prospects.

In this article, you’ll discover five ways to use Periscope to improve customer engagement.

5 Ways to Use Periscope to Connect With Customers by Samuel Edwards on Social Media Examiner.
5 Ways to Use Periscope to Connect With Customers by Samuel Edwards on Social Media Examiner.

#1: Host a Live Help Desk

Yes, Periscope is a good marketing tool, but don’t underestimate the immense customer service value hidden beneath the surface. Instead of time-consuming email threads, annoying 1-800 hotlines, or short 140-character Twitter responses, why not take advantage of the power of live-streaming video?

Suppose your company sells lawn equipment and one of your more popular products is a gas-powered weedeater. While the product is fairly simple, there’s one thing that can be challenging for new customers: loading the string onto the spool. Paper instructions work for some people, but for others, they might as well be written in a foreign language.

Rather than frustrate customers by telling them to read the manual, you could hop on a 5-minute Periscope stream and walk people through the process while allowing them to ask questions. Archive the stream for future use and distribute it to customers who have the same problem down the road.

You can even use Periscope to avoid customer service issues altogether by exposing what’s really happening behind the scenes. Southwest Airlines does this from time to time by explaining their different processes.

In this Periscope broadcast, Southwest's Culture Committee shows how the company keeps their planes clean.
In this Periscope broadcast, Southwest’s Culture Committee shows how the company keeps their planes clean.

#2: Support Crisis Management

Hopefully, you won’t have any moments where you’ll have to repair your brand’s image or reputation, but if you do, know that you have Periscope in your back pocket.

Sending out a quick apology on Twitter or posting a statement on your blog can be a good first step towards recovering your brand’s image after an incident. However, many customers will view these actions as an easy way out.

Periscope, on the other hand, requires you to get in front of a camera and speak your mind in front of a live audience that can respond in real time. It’s the equivalent of a press conference. In the long run, your decision to step up to the plate and own up to mistakes in a forthcoming manner will pay dividends in terms of brand reputation and customer trust.

#3: Personalize Your Brand

From a brand-building perspective, few social networking tools have as much potential as Periscope. The live-streaming social network lets you tap into the influence of voice and visuals. Suddenly, you aren’t just writing words on a blog; you’re a living, breathing person. Your brand becomes more human.

Successfully building your brand on Periscope requires you to stream video consistently, be candid, engage viewers, ask questions, and adopt the mindset that you’re just chatting with a friend. Remember, this isn’t a scripted cable television show; it’s live and spontaneous.

Periscope provides a great opportunity to build your brand and reach an engaged audience.
Periscope provides a great opportunity to build your brand and reach an engaged audience.