Creating LinkedIn Ads That Convert Like Crazy

Creating LinkedIn Ads That Convert Like Crazy

The headline and the image are the most important factors in your ad. If you don’t grab users’ attention with a compelling headline or an eye-catching image, they’ll never read the rest of your ad, let alone click on it. They’ll click on your ad to find out more. The right words will make people click on your ads. Write down the headlines and article summaries that grab your attention and use similar wording to create compelling headlines for your LinkedIn ads. All copywriters have what’s known as a swipe file, where they save articles, magazine and newspaper headlines, and direct mail that they use as a source of ideas for their own ads. The Power of Images Images in advertising are as powerful as your headline. Selecting the right image for your ad can be up to 70 percent of the reason that someone clicks on it. Your image will make your ad stand out on LinkedIn and interrupt the viewer’s attention. A well-planned LinkedIn ad campaign includes tracking your results so you know which ads and targeting demographics work best for you.

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The following strategies will help you create ads that make prospects want to click and buy.

Creating LinkedIn Ads That Convert Like Crazy

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

The following excerpt is from Ted Prodromou’s book Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | IndieBound

Everyone sees thousands of ads every day, so it’s hard to break through the clutter and grab someone’s attention. You need to interrupt a viewer’s thought pattern without being annoying. If you pique their interest, they’ll click on your ad to learn more. If you don’t grab their attention in a second or two, they move on and can subconsciously block you out in the future. This is why you need to carefully plan your LinkedIn ad campaigns to get the most for your dollar.

The key to writing successful online ads is to put yourself in the shoes of the people who are reading your ad. Imagine how they’re feeling. Find their pain points. Understand why they’re frustrated. Once you get into their heads, you can write ads that will instantly grab their attention and make them comfortable with you and your products.

The headline and the image are the most important factors in your ad. Most online advertising experts say the headline can account for up to 90 percent of your conversion rate. If you don’t grab users’ attention with a compelling headline or an eye-catching image, they’ll never read the rest of your ad, let alone click on it.

There are five key factors that can make your headlines more clickable. Not all of them will result in clicks on ads for your product or service, so you have to test to see which ones convert best for you. They are:

  • Curiosity: If you start your headline with phrases like “How I . . .” or “How do I . . .,” readers will be curious and want to read the entire headline.
  • Benefit: By providing a clear benefit in your headline, you’re implying that people will learn something new that may give them a competitive advantage. They’ll click on your ad to find out more.
  • Emotion: People respond to certain words, especially when they trigger an emotion. The right words will make people click on your ads.
  • Credibility: Most people like tangible ideas because they’re familiar and make sense . When you hear “1 +…