We’re all under pressure to create compelling content that is good enough to attract links. From an analysis of the links that point to interview websites, it’s possible to see a pattern in the types of links they attract. Links from the Experts Themselves The experts that are the focus of interviews are probably reasonably proficient at self-promotion – and that can work to your advantage. Links from the Interviewee’s ‘Tribe’ Experts have their own large following or tribe. If unable to get direct quotes in time, often journalists will search to find previously published interviews given by the person of interest. So expert interviews attract some great authority links, but what is the most effective process for production? How to Create Expert Interview Videos 1. Keep the Technology Simple You don’t have to meet exacting production standards to start publishing engaging video interviews. Editing to omit minor mistakes can soak up hours of work, and usually results in marginal improvement in the end product at best. This approach will allow your audience to develop a better appreciation for your content, which will be reflected in the frequency of their sharing and linking.
We’re all under pressure to create compelling content that is good enough to attract links. But creating that of quality can be time consuming and expensive. Video interviews with recognized experts in your industry are a terrific and affordable way to create outstanding content with the potential to attract many links.
Getting experts to agree to an interview is not as difficult as it might seem. Also the technology required is quite simple:
- Skype or Google Hangout
- A recording device
- Software with minimal editing functionality
This is the model used by Mixergy.com, whose founder, Andrew Warner, has published interviews with over 1,100 entrepreneurs. For this article, I interviewed Warner about his approach.
First, let’s look at the type of links that interviews can earn.
What Sort of Links Do Video Interviews Attract?
From an analysis of the links that point to interview websites, it’s possible to see a pattern in the types of links they attract. The links fall into five major categories. Here’s a brief description of each.
1. Links from the Experts Themselves
The experts that are the focus of interviews are probably reasonably proficient at self-promotion – and that can work to your advantage.
It’s highly probable that they regularly survey and keep track of everywhere they’ve been published on the Web. If you do even a half decent interview with them, they’ll want to link and share the interview with others.
2. Links from the Interviewee’s ‘Tribe’
Experts have their own large following or tribe. Members of that tribe write about and link to content regarding their heroes.
Seth Godin’s book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, describes this best when he says an expert “assembles a large and influential tribe of people who look to him for leadership.”
That means they’re interested in anything that is published about their “leader,” and will often rush to be the first to share the latest news. This could ultimately result in some very nice links for you.
3. Links from Journalists Writing About an Entrepreneur
Journalists have to work quickly under pressure, and they desperately want to include quotes from the people they’re writing about. However, it’s not always possible for a journalist to track down entrepreneurs at the right time, especially if they’re under deadline pressure. If unable to get direct quotes in time, often journalists will search to find previously published interviews given by the person of interest. They can refer to the interviews found online for more quotes.
Here’s an example from an article in Entrepreneur in which an interview with Steven Boal of Coupons.com is…