6 Easy Tips to Increase Your Online Store Sales

6 Easy Tips to Increase Your Online Store Sales. Every online store wants to increase their revenue… But when it comes to increasing the revenue of your online store, most marketers blindly spend most of their marketing budget on customer acquisition. If you want to increase sales in your online store, you need to think of ways that will simultaneously improve profit at the same time. Did you know that email receipts can increase your sales and delight your customers? Apart from making these emails engaging this will help you when up-selling and cross-selling your products. Send out ‘wishlist on sale’ emails Most eCommerce shoppers add products to a wishlist for buying later. Make special deals stand out Most eCommerce sites are quite busy. If you don’t want to promote your special deals in headers, you can use sidebars to communicate your special offer to shoppers. For example, if you’ve got a few customers who frequently shop from your website but always buy discounted products. Similarly, if someone is on your checkout page, it’s better to show them products that can be bundled up with their current purchase instead of up-selling to them.

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Every online store wants to increase their

But when it comes to increasing the revenue of your online
store, most marketers blindly spend most of their marketing budget
on customer acquisition.

Customer acquisition can be expensive, and before long you are
simply driving up costs and diminishing your profit. Which is

If you want to increase sales in your online store, you need to
think of ways that will simultaneously improve profit at the same
time. These six simple tips will help you do exactly that.

1. Optimize your email receipts

Every eCommerce business sends email receipts, but most of them
use them just to inform customers.

Did you know that email receipts can increase your sales and
delight your customers?

An email receipt doesn’t just act as a record, but can also
include other value propositions to keep the customer engaged and
drive a returning visit.

Here’re three ways to optimize your email receipts:

  • Include relevant product recommendations in
    these emails. Why? According to one online survey by Harris Poll,
    80% of consumers like when retailers’ emails contain recommended
    products based on previous purchases. Apart from making these
    emails engaging this will help you when up-selling and
    cross-selling your products.
  • Add discount codes in these messages to
    incentivize another purchase (especially for new customers). Why?
    On average, eCommerce spending by a new customer is $24.50,
    compared to $52.50 for a repeat customer (McKinsey & Company). So
    it makes sense to incentivize new customers to make another
    purchase instantly.
  • Ask for feedback. By asking customers how
    their shopping experience went, you can learn about the pain points
    these customers might have experienced during shopping.
2. Send out ‘wishlist on sale’ emails

Most eCommerce shoppers add products to a wishlist for buying
later. Also, most online shoppers are price sensitive and love
discounts. So it makes complete sense to tell subscribers when the
items they have shown interest in go on sale.

Also, you should email them when the product they’ve liked is
about to go out of stock to incite them to buy it.

Here’s an example from Stylebop.com:

3. Make special deals stand out

Most eCommerce sites are quite busy. This means that often
shoppers will end up missing deals.

To ensure that your offers are not getting lost in oblivion,
highlight your special deals in such a way that shoppers can’t miss

Here’s how to do that:

  • Use popups to promote your special deals. When
    designing these popups, look for ways to make them stand out from
    your website color scheme in a subtle way without distracting the
    shopper. After all, your main job is to make it easy for your
    shoppers to convert.
  • Use an info bar…