6 Tricks to Help Your Team Run More Efficiently

6 Tricks to Help Your Team Run More Efficiently

When asked to name what we want to see more of in the workplace, many of us will say efficiency. Imagine a wholly inefficient team in your workplace. It leads to inefficiency at best and confusion at worst. Instead, focus on effective communication. All businesses need to operate in digital channels. Build Your Efficiency Toolkit But an effective digital strategy is not limited to your online presence. So, get to know your team. Foster Positivity at All Levels Fundamentally, an efficient working environment must be a positive one. This means fostering a positive attitude from all team members at every level of the organization and building an atmosphere in which problems can be solved effectively and efficiently. It’s time to put these into action.

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6 Tricks to Help Your Team Run More Efficiently

This post is sponsored by Microsoft Office.

The word ‘efficiency’ gets thrown around quite a lot. When asked to name what we want to see more of in the workplace, many of us will say efficiency. Similarly, when asked to describe our best attributes, don’t be surprised when efficiency pops up again.

Maybe it is a cliché. However, clichés become that way for a reason; because they are true and valid. Imagine a wholly inefficient team in your workplace. What does it look like? Chances are, it looks like your worst nightmare, like a colossal waste of money, and a disaster for your business.

Don’t fall prey to inefficiency. Try out these six tricks for ensuring your team runs in a finely-honed, highly-effective manner, then to learn more, watch the Migrating to Office 365 from Google webcast from Microsoft Office.

Enjoy More Effective Communication

We tend to have a bit of a ‘quantity over quality’ attitude to communication. We listen to the loudest voice. We praise the individuals who have the most to say and we get upset at those who remain silent. While communication is undoubtedly invaluable in business, perhaps this approach is the wrong one. It leads to inefficiency at best and confusion at worst.

Instead, focus on effective communication. Pencil in two blocks of time each day that your team can spend checking emails and tell them to avoid email at all other times. Hold meetings only when positive outcomes are within reach in order to encourage efficient and meaningful debate. This will give your team more time to focus on achieving their goals.

Construct Digital Channels Which Pull Their Weight

The digital element of business has become vital. All businesses need to operate in digital channels. They need their own personally branded web presence and they need to be active on a variety of social media platforms. Unfortunately, too many organizations simply pay lip service to these channels, not using them effectively. Inefficiency is the result.

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