8 of The Best Social Media Marketing Tips We’ve Got

8 of The Best Social Media Marketing Tips We’ve Got

Many companies have realized that using social media marketing results in higher conversion rates than traditional marketing. Develop a digital marketing strategy Any experienced marketer will tell you that digital marketing campaigns require coherent strategies. To get the attention of such a people, visuals should prominently feature in all your campaigns. It is especially helpful when you’re trying to capture the eye of a new customer who may know very little about your brand and its products and services. 4Take advantage of social media Any digital marketing campaign today would be incomplete without a marketing strategy for social media. A good example of such tools is the Instagram growth tool at https://socialgrowr.com/. Consistency ensures your brand messaging is focused on the same target market and is constant across various platforms. To ensure the customer buys what you are selling, you should create a landing page for each service or product. A properly designed landing page should: Be relevant to the campaign that drove the user to the site Clearly guide the website visitor to take the appropriate action e.g. fill a form or make a call Be visual so that it can appeal to the user and reduce the bounce rate 7. For most businesses, this involves showcasing their value proposition, highlighting their core values or giving the potential customer an incentive to buy the product or service.

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Many companies have realized that using social media marketing results in higher conversion rates than traditional marketing. The following are 8 of the best social media marketing tips you can use to grow your business and improve sales.

1. Develop a digital marketing strategy

Any experienced marketer will tell you that digital marketing campaigns require coherent strategies. Without them, you will wander aimlessly achieving zero results regardless of the initiatives you launch. A digital marketing plan will keep you grounded and focused on the final goal: achieving a greater ROI.

Indeed, without a digital marketing strategy:

  • You will be directionless
  • And have no idea how big your market share and online audience is
  • Your competitors will be gaining market share as you lose yours
  • Likely to misunderstand your online customers, thus create products and services they have no interest in
  • You are likely to allocate inadequate resources to your online marketing initiatives
  • Your brand will likely suffer from incessant and unnecessary duplication

2. Clear call to actions

Call to actions (CTAs) should never be vague. When thinking about the CTA to use for your digital marketing, consider those that are easy to understand and take the necessary action. Ensure that your call-to-actions are vibrantly on display in every one of your landing pages. Avoid ambiguous and unobvious CTAs as well as the more generic ones like “read more” and “learn more”.

The following are five characteristics of good CTAs:

  • Are often short and concise, always communicating value
  • Are strategically placed on a web page where users will easily see them
  • Are big enough to make them easy to find and small enough to not make them distractions
  • Typically use shouting colors and are often surrounded by big chunks of white space

Below is a Call-To-Action by The Clymb, an outdoor retailer based in Portland, Oregon. It is cleverly housed in a brightly coloured circle. The site uses the contrasting colors of green, white and black as well as capital letters to communicate value to the website visitor.

3. Use visuals

Human beings are visual beings. Anything presented in a way that attracts the eye will have greater engagement and better leads. Today’s generation is said to have an attention span of not more than seven seconds. To…