9 Ways Brands Can Explode Their Sales With YouTube

9 Ways Brands Can Explode Their Sales With YouTube

It’s easy: you make interesting, useful and entertaining videos, upload them to YouTube and watch your brand explode. Not only that; YouTube is also the second-largest search engine. Its videos are easy to search by keyword, both on the site itself and through Google, its parent company. How many viewers are active in the niche you’re interested in? And once you start posting videos, take a close look at your actual audience -- who’s watching your videos? Once you know who your audience is, you should determine what type of videos you want to include on your channel. Popular video genres include: Unboxing videos Time-lapse videos Video-game walkthroughs Tutorials (on virtually any subject) Product reviews Fan videos Reaction videos (people love watching others being thrilled or disappointed) Cute animal videos Celebrity gossip Video blogs (vlogs) Any of these formats may work, but the videos that get the most attention on YouTube are ones that are funny, weird, unique or useful. Create quality videos. This means someone types in a few keywords related to the topic they’re interested in. Once you publish a new video, make sure you’re promoting it and getting it out to as many viewers as possible.

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9 Ways Brands Can Explode Their Sales With YouTube

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Companies of all sizes are taking advantage of a free and accessible marketing platform to grow their businesses. Sounds great, you say. But how does it work?

It’s easy: you make interesting, useful and entertaining videos, upload them to YouTube and watch your brand explode. If you’re looking to hook people and get them engaged, there’s no better way to do that than with video. And without a doubt, YouTube is the best way to get video in front of an audience.

If you’re looking to build brand awareness, increase your market reach and drive sales, then you should be all about YouTube. This video-sharing website has more than 1 billion users who watch more than five billion videos. Not only that; YouTube is also the second-largest search engine. Its videos are easy to search by keyword, both on the site itself and through Google, its parent company.

Simply said, if you aren’t using this tool, you’re missing out. If you think it’s too hard, too expensive or too daunting to get started, you need to read on. Here are the nine most important tips to make optimal use of YouTube and see results fast.

1. Look at what your competitors are doing.

The first step is to take a close look at your competitors’ YouTube channels. What type of content are they sharing? You likely have a similar target audience and marketing goals, so you can glean a lot of information and learn valuable lessons by evaluating what their channel is doing.

A basic competitive analysis of other channels can help you understand their strengths and weaknesses, which can help you determine what areas you should focus on and how your channel can fill any voids. How many followers do they have?

Scan the comments section below each video to get a sense of viewer reaction and engagement. How many views, likes and shares do their videos routinely get? What is working well and what isn’t? And most importantly, where can you improve?

2. Have a clear focus for your channel.

Before you launch, have a clear idea of your channel’s focus and purpose. This will give your channel clarity and help you determine a marketing strategy. What are you trying to achieve and what are your end goals? There are gobs of YouTube channels out there and tons of businesses trying to use this format to sell themselves. What makes your channel unique and stand out from everyone else?

Your channel plan should include your channel’s purpose and the vibe you want to create (will it be authentic, vibrant, smart, sassy?). Think through your channel’s overall marketing strategy. Undoubtedly, this will include increasing awareness of your brand, so you want to create content that appeals to the range of people who are potential customers.

Your content should strongly tie to your industry and create interest in your product or service without being overly pushy. Offering content that’s genuine and of value will always garner viewers.

3. Find your niche.

Finding your niche is the foundation of YouTube success. Tapping into a niche will ultimately help you grow your brand. But determining this can be tricky when you’re getting started. What specific subject or area is your channel going to focus on? And who is the intended audience?

You also need to take into account the demand for the subject you’re focused on. If no one is searching for it, your channel may get few hits. But if your…