10 Grammar and Proofreading Tools for Content Marketers

10 Grammar and Proofreading Tools for Content Marketers

10 Grammar and Proofreading Tools for Content Marketers. When errors find themselves throughout your content, it not only calls into question your credibility as a reliable and trusted source, but it also causes readers to ask about your motives and whether you’ve put in the time and effort to create quality content for them. It also provides you with concrete examples of how to put each grammar rule into practical use, making it easier to see how it applies to your own writing. Online Proofreader Grammarly’s online proofreader works instantly to find and highlight over 250 different types of grammatical errors you may be making throughout your content. Get a set of real eyes looking over your work when you send off your content to be proofread by the team at UK Writings. Experts in their field, they’ll point out not just errors in grammar, but also potentially embarrassing errors in context. AustralianHelp Turn to this annotated collection of grammar and writing resources from across the web when you’ve got questions about the rules. And, although there are some well-established rules in the world of grammar, there are also some not-so-set things that this resource outlines. Lose that with a simple grammar or spelling mistake, and it can be difficult to regain. Follow Mary on Twitter and Linkedin!

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In creating online content for your business, you want to ensure it has several essential ingredients checked off before distributing it to your readers. Above all else, it needs to be interesting and engaging for them, or you’ll quickly lose their attention. But, second to that, it’s crucial that the grammar, spelling, and punctuation of your content be flawless.

When errors find themselves throughout your content, it not only calls into question your credibility as a reliable and trusted source, but it also causes readers to ask about your motives and whether you’ve put in the time and effort to create quality content for them.

Avoid those mistakes and those questions by properly proofreading your content before it goes out, with the help of these amazing tools:


Among the library of resources at Academized, this English Grammar Handbook serves as a concise reference guide to help answer some of the most confusing grammar questions you’ll come across. It also provides you with concrete examples of how to put each grammar rule into practical use, making it easier to see how it applies to your own writing.

Online Proofreader

Grammarly’s online proofreader works instantly to find and highlight over 250 different types of grammatical errors you may be making throughout your content. Adding this software to your web browser means you can take it anywhere with you and use it to find and fix mistakes in your social media posts or anywhere else you go online.

UK Writings

Having a real person proofread your work is, in almost all cases, far superior to an automated checker. Get a set of real eyes looking over your work when you send off your content to be proofread by the team at UK Writings. Experts in their field, they’ll point out not just errors in grammar, but also potentially embarrassing errors in context.


Turn to this annotated collection of grammar and writing resources from across the web when you’ve got questions about the rules. And, although…