Apple releases nauseating behind-the-scenes marketing video for its £249 picture book

Apple releases nauseating behind-the-scenes marketing video for its £249 picture book. Apple's glossy marketing videos have become a staple of iPhone and Macbook launches over the years . Now the company has done the same thing for its £249 coffee table book, Designed by Apple in California. For Apple fans it's a beautiful catalogue of the company's evolution - for everyone else, it's a bit of a joke. But that hasn't stopped Jony Ive waxing lyrical about it in the new video. The first iPhone pictured in Apple's new tome (Photo: Apple) "You understand the nature of an object so much more, when you understand how it came to be," he says. Even though the video is self-indulgent, it does give an interesting look behind the scenes of the notoriously secretive company. The book is created from: "specially milled, custom-dyed paper with gilded matte silver edges, using eight colour separations and low-ghost ink." The 'Designed by Apple in California' book (Photo: Apple) It has the Apple logo embossed on the front and "Designed by Apple in California," written down the spine - the same tag line that appears on the packaging of Apple's various gadgets. It's available to buy online and also comes in a smaller size that drops the price down to £169.

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Video thumbnail, Apple release behind the scenes video for it's new £169 picture book
Video thumbnail, Apple release behind the scenes video for it’s new £169 picture book

Apple’s glossy marketing videos have become a staple of iPhone and Macbook launches over the years .

Now the company has done the same thing for its £249 coffee table book, Designed by Apple in California.

The book was first revealed last month and contains 450 photographs of Apple products throughout the years.

For Apple fans it’s a beautiful…