11 Top-Notch Proofreading Tools for Content Marketers

11 Top-Notch Proofreading Tools for Content Marketers. If you want to get your content writing perfect, there are tools online that can help you. A lot of writers don’t like using online spell checkers, as they feel that they can’t pick up on subtle errors like a human could. However, you still need to use this tool. If you’re a content writer, you’re not just writing one piece at a time. If this happens to you, this writing service can proofread for you. This is the tool for you. This spelling and grammar checking service understands that really, your words are all you have when you’re online. You can go through it together, and make your copy really pop. These tools are a lifesaver when it comes to proofreading your content.

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Content Marketing: 7 Tips for Proofreading and Editing
10 Grammar and Proofreading Tools for Content Marketers

Content writing is often dismissed as merely filler for your website, but in fact, it is akin to an exact science. Get it right, and you’ll be able to bring in more readers and, with a little luck and persistence, convert them into customers. Get it wrong, and it’ll be noticed and held against you quicker than you’d think.

If you want to get your content writing perfect, there are tools online that can help you. Here are eleven of the best tools online for polishing your content.

You have pages to fill, so you hammer at your keyboard and hope that what you’re writing makes sense. Often, though, when you’re racing to meet deadlines, you’ll write copy that really could use a second or even a third pass through.

Wordrake helps you get that proofreading pass done quickly and easily. Install it in your text editor, and click the “rake” button to get started. It will go through the document and make suggested edits live so you can see the entire process. You can then choose to make or reject those edits before submitting your work.

A lot of writers don’t like using online spell checkers, as they feel that they can’t pick up on subtle errors like a human could. However, modern tools are becoming more sophisticated, and you’d be surprised at what they can do.

Grammark is one of the best out there. It can pick up on run on sentences, passive voice, word count, and more. All you have to do is paste your content into the text box, and it will do all of the hard work for you. It’s worth trying just once to see how much it can improve your writing.

Sometimes, you just want a real person to proofread your writing. After all, you can proofread yourself, but you’ll often miss glaring errors, as you know what you meant when you were writing it out. Sometimes the human touch is just what’s needed to really make your content great. (highlight to tweet)

If there’s no one on hand to read for you, try this writing service instead. Their expert proofreaders can cast a critical eye over your work and make the appropriate edits. When you get it back, it’ll be ready for publication.

It’s not just blog posts you need to proofread. Everything you write on social media is content, and you need to subject it to the same scrutiny as any other content you write. One slip up in your writing will show your business in a bad…