6 Undeniable Signs You Need to Invest in Video

6 Undeniable Signs You Need to Invest in Video

Author: Samantha Ferguson / Source: Convince and Convert: Social Media Consulting and Content Marketing Consulting It’s 2017, and video i

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6 Undeniable Signs You Need to Invest in Video

It’s 2017, and video is still dominating the marketing scene with no signs of going anywhere. If video marketing is not very prominent in your strategy, then here are a few warning signs you need to watch. If any of the points in this article apply to your business, you need to invest in video!

1. Your Conversion Rate Is Dipping

Likes on social media are good, website visits are better, but conversion rates are the elusive pot of gold we all dream about.

If your conversion rate is dipping, then you need to invest in video. There are a couple of different ways videos can increase your conversion rate. For example, if you sell products online, then you can improve your conversion rate by including videos on your product pages.

According to research done by online retailer StacksandStacks.com, visitors who see a product video are 144 percent more likely to make a purchase. Product videos perform much better than product images because they allow the user to get a good look at your products from all angles. Click the image below to watch an example from clothing retailer, Asos.

Asos uses video on product sales pages

If your products aren’t as simple as “grab and go,” you could further increase conversion rates by making how-to videos on your product pages, like this one by Advance Auto-Parts.

2. You Need to Increase Brand Loyalty

Now that buyers can compare the prices of tons of different brands just by reaching for their smartphone, they have turned into fickle creatures. You need to go the extra mile to increase loyalty, and when you do, the results will be plentiful.

A recent study discovered that the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 to 70 percent, much higher than the probability of selling to a new prospect (five to 20 percent).

How exactly can investing in video increase your brand loyalty? Isn’t it obvious? People love video! They love watching videos that educate, entertain, and even tug at the heartstrings a little bit. To increase brand loyalty, create engaging videos that add something positive to your customers’ lives, for free. No sales talk is allowed when you’re looking to increase brand loyalty.

A great brand to take inspiration from here is Oreo. They are always posting videos to social media that show their current customers how to use their products in new and interesting ways:

Even if you don’t make sandwich cookies for a living, you can definitely still apply this approach to your own brand to increase loyalty.

3. You’re Not on Page One of Google

If you’re not on the first page of Google search results for at least two or three of your chosen keywords, then you haven’t invested heavily enough in SEO. There’s a reason people joke that page two of Google is the best place to hide a dead body—nobody goes there!

The main job of a search engine is to present users with content that they want…