3 Social Amplification Lessons From Intel

3 Social Amplification Lessons From Intel

Author: Alicia Esposito / Source: Business 2 Community Every time I log into a social network (yes, I use basically all of them), I feel l

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Every time I log into a social network (yes, I use basically all of them), I feel like Alice doing aerial somersaults down the rabbit hole. I’m mindlessly sifting through what seems like an endless supply of information. Before I know it, an hour of productivity is snatched away from me.

I know I’m not alone in this. Influencer marketing agency Mediakix calculated the average amount of time people spend each day on social media. At first glance, the numbers seem relatively reasonable:

  • YouTube (40 minutes)
  • Facebook (35 minutes)
  • Snapchat (25 minutes)
  • Instagram (15 minutes)
  • Twitter (1 minute)

But Mediakix calculated that over a lifetime, we will spend a total of five years and four months on social media.

This single data point reaffirms what we’ve known for a while: the need to instantly research, communicate and share is now ingrained in us, making social media plays a critical component of the content amplification equation. Without it, our closest, most natural and personal connection to our prospects, customers, partners and influencers is severed.

As people rely more on social, brands’ eagerness to populate and share through these networks grows. More conversations occur, more campaigns are rolled out and more sponsored posts and ads dominate our feeds.

How can brands stand out, then, when there’s so much noise? Alyson Griffin, VP of Global Marketing at Intel, offered some fabulous words of wisdom in an interview with eMarketer. Here are some of the key takeaways from the interview, which you can view in full here:

  1. Appeal to audiences at all stages: Although social media is…