5 Steps to Overcome Neomania

5 Steps to Overcome Neomania

Author: Dan Dowling / Source: Entrepreneur Neomania, defined as an obsession with the new, is a hallmark of American culture. You won’t f

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5 Steps to Overcome Neomania

Neomania, defined as an obsession with the new, is a hallmark of American culture. You won’t find it in the dictionary, but you’ll see it in the faces of everyone waiting for the next iPhone or Android. You might even catch it in the reflection of your smart phone as you scroll through the news.

Neomaniacs find it difficult, if not impossible, to stick with anything. They bounce from job to job, town to town and bed to bed, always hungry for the next conquest. They are never fulfilled. But there’s one spot they’re conspicuously absent from — the upper echelons of entrepreneurship.

Are you struggling to find your entrepreneurial stride? Here are five signs that you need to tone down your neomania — and five steps to cure it.

1. You check the news first thing in the morning.

Neomaniacs prefer news over reflection. Successful entrepreneurs are the opposite. Reflection is a basic human need, right up there with food and water. You get hungry for reflection because you need it to make smart decisions. But it’s common to mistake that hunger for a need to feed on more information.

2. You’ve had more partners than you can count.

The obsession over the new isn’t limited to information. Most neomaniacs are also helpless romantics, preferring a series of shallow dalliances over a solid relationship.

3. You’ve spent more money than you’ve made on get-rich-quick schemes.

Neomaniacs’ ears perk up when they hear the latest marketing scheme. They’ll buy into anything that will distract them from sticking with what they’ve started.

4. You spend more than an hour on social media each day.

Social media is a neo-pacifier. There’s always something new to distract you from doing what you need to do.

5. You’re a job-hopper.

Neos pretend that their lack of job satisfaction has something to do with their job. But if you take pride in your work, and you do it well, you will always find satisfaction. According to legend, the 2nd Zen Master washed grains of rice for 10 years straight. How boring could your job possibly be?

What you can do.

Obsessing over the new doesn’t have to be a bad thing. If you focus on doing one thing in new ways, you can put a positive spin on neomania and become an expert at anything you set your…