A Long List of Twitter Statistics All Social Media Marketers Should Know

Twitter user statistics Twitter has 317 million monthly active users. That said, 67 million Americans—or 24 percent of online American adults—use the network. Twitter usage statistics The majority of Twitter users—71 percent—say they use Twitter multiple times per day. More than a third of users (37 percent) Tweet or Retweet several times per day. Sixty-four percent of Twitter users say they also share news on the network. Seventy-five percent of Twitter users feel better about an SMB after following a business and reading its Tweets. Twitter users send more than 100,000 questions, complaints, and comments to major American airlines alone every month. During the second debate, users sent more than 16 million debate-related Tweets. Here are some of the Twitter statistics you should consider when planning a Twitter ad campaign. With all of these statistics in mind, you’re well equipped to create a Twitter marketing strategy that gets your business in front of new users, maximizes response to your organic and paid Tweets, and increases engagement with the Twitter users who matter most to your brand.

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A Long List of Twitter Statistics All Social Media Marketers Should Know | Hootsuite Blog

When crafting a marketing strategy, data is your best friend. Knowing exactly who is using a particular social network—and what they’re looking for when they do—is key to creating a social presence that creates engagement, brand awareness, and even sales.

Here, we dig deep to uncover all of the most important Twitter statistics for social media marketers, so you can plan and execute a Twitter marketing plan that works for your brand.

Bonus: Download the free strategy guide that reveals how Hootsuite grew our Twitter following to over 7 million users and learn how you can put the tactics to work for your business.

Twitter user statistics

Twitter has 317 million monthly active users. Here’s what you need to know about who those users are, so you can determine how best to engage them.

They’re global

With more than 40 languages supported, perhaps it’s not surprising that 79 percent of Twitter accounts are based outside the United States. That said, 67 million Americans—or 24 percent of online American adults—use the network.

The top three countries by user count outside the U.S. are Brazil (27.7 million users), Japan (25.9 million), and Mexico (23.5 million).

They’re likely to be millennials

Thirty-six percent of online Americans aged 18 to 29 years old use Twitter, more than any other age group. Usage drops as age increases, with 23 percent of those aged 30 to 49 using the service, 21 percent of 50- to 64-year-olds, and just 10 percent of those aged 65 and up.

Many are in college or have a college degree

Twenty-nine percent of online Americans with a college degree use Twitter, compared to 25 percent of those with some college education and 20 percent of those with a high school diploma or less. This aligns well with the fact that…

They’re likely to have above-average income

Thirty percent of online Americans who earn $75,000 or more use Twitter, compared to 28 percent of those who earn between $50,000 and $74,999, 18 percent of those who earn between $30,000 and $49,999, and 23 percent of those who earn less than $30,000 per year.

They’re evenly split by gender

There’s no statistical difference between the number of male and female users, with 24 percent of American online men using the service, and 25 percent of women.

They’re app users

Fifty-eight percent of surveyed Twitter users had installed an app in the last month.

Twitter usage statistics

The majority of Twitter users—71 percent—say they use Twitter multiple times per day. Here’s what you need to know about how they’re using the network, so you can understand what kind of messaging is most likely to connect with their needs.

They access the service on the go

Eighty-two percent of Twitter users access the network on mobile platforms, while only 39 percent of users access the network on a desktop. Ninety percent of Twitter video views happen on mobile.

They Tweet like crazy

Users send more than 500 million Tweets per day: that’s 5,700 every second. More than a third of users (37 percent) Tweet or Retweet several…