How to Build a Marketing Campaign that Appeals to Generation Z

How to Build a Marketing Campaign that Appeals to Generation Z. Brands are neglecting perhaps the most important factor in building their social media marketing strategies: collecting raw, honest feedback from real customers. Creating this feedback loop through consistent, honest conversations is one of the best, if not the only way, to build relationships with Gen Z and learn more about them. That said, here are two general traits that Generation Z wants to see in your social media campaign. And Gen Z wants originality.” Every day, it seems another company launches a Snapchat account in an attempt to reach a younger audience. The best brands on Snapchat are the ones that talk to their audience in a fresh, authentic way. Taco Bell is a great example of this. Functionality “As a brand, you should be building social strategies that your customer will want to digest. If there is one thing Gen Z values most, it’s time. The best brands leverage new technology to provide customers with an added layer of functionality and convenience.

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Technology enables brands to connect with audiences on a personal level cost effectively, at incredible scale. Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat all provide customizable platforms for businesses to reach their customers.

However, just because you build a social media account doesn’t mean anyone is going to pay attention. This is particularly true for Generation Z-ers, or those of us born after 1996. We represent a huge portion of the consumer spending power, but it often feels as if brands aren’t even trying to understand us.

Which is a shame, because it isn’t hard! The root of the problem stems from one key (and easily fixable) issue: companies aren’t talking to their users.

That’s right. Brands are neglecting perhaps the most important factor in building their social media marketing strategies: collecting raw, honest feedback from real customers. This is particularly important for Generation Z, a group that hasn’t entered the workforce yet, and one that many brands regard as strangers.

The best way for brands to learn more about this segment is to do one thing: ask them what they do and don’t like. Creating this feedback loop through consistent, honest conversations is one of the best, if not the only way, to build relationships with Gen Z and learn more about them.

Modern digital channels make it convenient and affordable for brands to start conversations with Gen Z. The best brands leverage strategies like running Instagram contests or putting out Twitter polls so that they can interact with, and hear from their customers, on a daily basis. An active social media presence is one of the easiest ways that a brand can build credibility with, and get feedback from, an audience.

There’s no replacement for real, personalized feedback. That said, here are two general traits that Generation Z wants to see in…