Getting to know a #CMWorld 2017 attendee: Becky Goplin

Getting to know a #CMWorld 2017 attendee: Becky Goplin

Author: Cathy McPhillips / Source: This week we meet Becky Goplin, a life-long writer, first-time CMWorld atten

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This week we meet Becky Goplin, a life-long writer, first-time CMWorld attendee, and part-time event marketer, on top of her usual responsibilities. Becky represents many content marketers – who excel in one area (writing, in her case) and need some guidance in another (measurement). Content Marketing World and our great speakers and industry authorities are ready to help! Without further ado, meet this week’s attendee in the hot seat.

Name: Becky Goplin
Title: Marketing Manager
Company: Tea Leaves Health

Find Becky on LinkedIn and Twitter and learn more about her below.

What is your main reason for attending, and how many years will this make for you?

This will be my very first year at CMWorld and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ve been dying to come for years and when I finally got approval this year, I just about jumped out of my chair!

My main reason for attending is to hone my skills. I know there will be fabulous networking opportunities and lots of fun events, but I’m heading there to work. I especially want to further develop my social media savvy, so I’ll be attending the Social Media & Content Creation for B2B Workshop on Tuesday before the conference officially kicks off.

How has your career path led you to content marketing?

Oh what a whirlwind it’s been. I’ve been a writer since the moment I could put pen to paper. As soon as I learned to spell I was writing short stories. There was just no other path for me. I got to college and majored in Creative Writing because I was going to write fiction, of course. Well, a couple of years into that major the “reality” sunk in that my chances of being the next Stephen King were slim. So I dropped Creative Writing to a minor, and picked up Mass Communications, Public Relations as a major. I wanted something broad and marketable that would still incorporate writing, and I thought I might actually be able to get a job after college. I graduated in December of 2005 and went to work at a PR agency. Six months later I was laid off. Then I went to work at an advertising agency, and two years later lost my job. I was unemployed for seven months and had to take a good hard look at…