Get a Jump on 2017: 11 Can’t-Miss Content Marketing E-Books

For 2017, our team took the conversation in a new direction by more closely examining certain tactics, techniques, and specific actions that the most successful organizations use. To reflect the shifts we’ve experienced throughout the industry’s evolution — and the insights we’ve gathered along the way — we’ve updated and enhanced our original discussion. Get Inspired: 75 (More) Content Marketing Examples Every business brings a unique set of goals, resources, and values to the content marketing table. But as an industry, we can all learn a little something from these 75 brands that conquered their content marketing challenges with creativity, ingenuity, or simply a strong commitment to providing audience value. This updated guide offers plenty of new tips, processes, and industry-leading advice to help marketers identify and engage the right influencers and drive greater value from their influencer collaborations — without getting overwhelmed by all the options. Even if you’re accustomed to tracking your content marketing performance with Google Analytics, chances are you’re still leaving some critical insights on the table. In our ninth annual predictions book, you’ll find out which content marketing trends some of our industry’s top experts are keeping in their sights — including shifts in enterprise-wide content creation, paid amplification, and audience development — and how their insights might prepare you to face your challenges head-on in the coming year. Moving forward As 2016 draws to a close, the CMI team is already hard at work on new ideas, insights, and advice to help content marketers conquer their challenges — large and small. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or connect with us any time you need a little reassurance that it will all be OK (content-wise, at least). Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute Author: Jodi Harris Jodi Harris is the Director of Editorial Content & Curation at Content Marketing Institute.

8 Personalities to Look for When Assembling a Content Team
A brief history of content marketing [infographic]
Measuring the value of content marketing

2016 is almost up and, well, let’s just say it’s been an eye-opener for many of us. Certainly, it’s shown us that we can all stand to learn more — about ourselves, our audiences, and the world in which we operate as marketers.

If we want to move our businesses forward in the face of any marketing challenges, we need to take every opportunity to become more informed about what’s happening around us and take greater responsibility for driving the changes we want to see.

One of my favorite ways to increase understanding of our industry is through detailed e-books that look at the current landscape, map viable paths toward improvement, or simply inspire us to get a little creative in how we pursue our goals. The following are 11 of the top resources the CMI team produced in the e-book format over the past year — all of which are designed to support your upcoming efforts and better prepare you to achieve content marketing success no matter what the future may have in store.

1. Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets & Trends

CMI’s annual research reports are among the most-cited studies across the content marketing industry. For 2017, our team took the conversation in a new direction by more closely examining certain tactics, techniques, and specific actions that the most successful organizations use. For example, our B2B study found that 85% of top performers deliver content consistently compared to 58% of the overall sample and 32% of bottom performers. Not only do the results point content marketers toward best practices for various industry segments (including B2B, B2C, manufacturing, and nonprofit organizations), they also serve as an accurate reflection of our industry’s evolution.


2. The 2017 Content Marketing Framework: 5 Building Blocks for Profitable, Scalable Operations

A lot has changed since CMI unveiled its first framework of the principles governing content marketing in 2014. To reflect the shifts we’ve experienced throughout the industry’s evolution — and the insights we’ve gathered along the way — we’ve updated and enhanced our original discussion. Think of this e-book as a syllabus of sorts, covering the five core elements necessary for running successful, scalable, and highly strategic content marketing operations.


3. Get Inspired: 75 (More) Content Marketing Examples

Every business brings a unique set of goals, resources, and values to the content marketing table. But as an industry, we can all learn a little something from these 75 brands that conquered their content marketing challenges with creativity, ingenuity, or simply a strong commitment to providing audience value. Updating one of our most popular e-books of all time, this year’s example collection also illustrates best practices for a wide range of tactics and formats — from mainstays like blogs and print magazines to virtual-reality-enhanced efforts, seamlessly integrated multichannel experiences, and more.


Today’s search engine algorithms do a pretty good job of using input like keywords, content quality, and uniqueness to rank content by its relevance. But, according to Rand Fishkin, those formulas are well on their way to learning from actions taken on previous searches and predicting intent, and applying that contextual information to provide a more meaningful search experience. This e-book covers the basics of SEO in the machine-learning age and offers tips…