How to Fix Your Failing Facebook Sales Funnel In The Next 24 Hours

How to Fix Your Failing Facebook Sales Funnel In The Next 24 Hours

It takes a little more work, but when done correctly, it can also give you a better ROI in the long run. How to Consistently Generate New Leads and Customers with a Facebook Ad Sales Funnel People who type “personal injury attorney” into Google have a problem. In other words, these users are skipping over several steps of the sales funnel process. Start by recognizing that you’re not going to need just a single Facebook campaign. In this step, they may look at recommendations or read reviews for your company. Here’s how to create a Facebook sales funnel. The trick is making sure that you’re targeting enough people so that Facebook can self-optimize its targeting and still get you enough clicks at the end of the day. These lead gen-focused ads should always target a custom audience. You just need to start with getting those three campaigns up-and-running. How many Facebook ad campaigns do you have running right now?

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People always ask me the same questions about Facebook ads.

“Do they really work?”

“How come mine failed?”

The answer is yes, of course, they do. There’s a reason they pulled in $8 billion of revenue in just the last quarter of 2016 alone.

There’s a reason people fail, though. It’s a common problem with their mindset that ultimately sets them up for disaster.

Here’s where they go wrong:

They expect Facebook to convert like AdWords.

And that, unfortunately, doesn’t happen. People don’t go to Facebook to make decisions. They go to be distracted, procrastinate, and hang out.

So they don’t have the same burning desire that Google searchers do.

The good news is that there is a solution. It takes a little more work, but when done correctly, it can also give you a better ROI in the long run.

Keep reading to discover the approach I use to dominate Facebook ads.

How to Consistently Generate New Leads and Customers with a Facebook Ad Sales Funnel

People who type “personal injury attorney” into Google have a problem.

They’re already experiencing an issue and need a solution ASAP. That means they’ve skipped all the way down to the bottom of the sales funnel where they’re ready and willing to take action.

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In other words, these users are skipping over several steps of the sales funnel process. And only a small number of customers are already this far ahead in the purchasing game.

To make matters worse, you don’t see this same behavior in virtually any other advertising platform. That’s what makes AdWords so effective!

Facebook, in comparison, is a different beast entirely. Here, you need to create a sales funnel that will move people from one stage to the next until they’re eventually ready to convert.

For example, go walk through the steps of firing up a new Facebook ad campaign and tell me what you see.

One of the first things they ask you is about your objective, which is then split into three separate buckets (Awareness, Consideration, Conversion).

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So if you’re spending enough money but not seeing enough new leads and customers coming through your doors, there’s probably one of the following problems killing your results:

And if all of these issues are happening, it generally means your Facebook sales funnel is totally wrong.

No reason to fear, though, because that’s exactly what I’m going to help you fix right now.

Start by recognizing that you’re not going to need just a single Facebook campaign. Instead, you’ll more than likely need at least a few so that each one can specialize in one of the following areas:

  1. Generate Awareness: Grab consumers’ attention before they can view alternative products or services. They’re not willing to purchase at this stage, but they have begun to learn about your business. Here, users consider why and if they will purchase from you.
  2. Develop Interest: Once a shopper needs to solve a problem, they will begin searching for solutions. If you are offering something of value, the consumer will begin to keep tabs on your company via an email list or by following you online.
  3. Aid Evaluation: Here, the buyer is weighing their options before making a final purchase by researching different packages and products or trial offers. They are trying to decide whether your company is worth it over any known alternatives. In this step, they may look at recommendations or read reviews for your company.
  4. Drive Action: A purchase is finally made at this stage in the funnel, and a new customer is officially earned. With a personal recommendation or review, this buyer could also send more customers to your site in the future by word of mouth or an online review.
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Most customers on your site will pass through these stages at varying degrees. And when you have a specific campaign targeting each, people should seamlessly move from one to the next until they become a happy, loyal customer.

Simple enough, right?!

It will be, at least, when you’re done reading this article.

Here’s how to create a Facebook sales funnel.

Step #1. Bring in Visitors

Sales expert Grant Cardone says your problem is obscurity, not money.

In other words, the one single ingredient that’s preventing your business from growing as big as it can (and should) be is that not enough people know who you are.

Facebook ads can help you fix that by using content-based offers that catch people’s attention and get them to your website.

For example, I dare you to not click on an ad that looks like this:

Who doesn’t love a little Ace Ventura?!

Your competition isn’t the biggest problem on Facebook. Instead, it’s competing with people’s friends and family members (who, let’s be honest, are a lot more interesting to them then we are).

That means you need to use something that will grab their attention right off the bat.

Useful, interesting, educational content can do the trick to get them to your site (so that you can automatically start following up, which we’ll review in a bit).

What you don’t want, however, is an ad that looks like this:


The image is too large for the space so that its edges are cut off. The copy is also too long, so it gets truncated. And then there’s no CTA which tells the user what to do next.

The right content though, with the right audience targeting, should pull in new readers every single day no matter which placement (desktop vs. right-column vs. mobile) you pick.

Targeting at the top of the funnel includes zeroing-in on the right demographics and interest mix.

For example, you might select a specific age range, gender, and location first. Then you’ll move down to selecting the interests that your audience shares in common.

Let’s say we want to reach savvy online marketers. So you can select HubSpot, Kissmetrics, and myself as interests to target the people that follow those brands.

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