3 Sales Leaders Share Their Video Selling Secrets

3 Sales Leaders Share Their Video Selling Secrets

And I’m not exaggerating – prospects are interacting less and less with salespeople, and turning more and more to self-serve content. So that’s why we were so excited to hear from Tonni Bennett at Terminus and Kyle Norton at League last week for this panel webinar we hosted with Sales Hacker called 3 Ways Top Sales Teams are Killing it with Personal Video. Tonni, Kyle and our own Tyler Lessard dropped 30 minutes of non-stop sales smarts, but here’s a few highlights that really stuck out: How is your team driving attention with cold prospects? Is personalized video changing the face of email? To view this video please consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 Video We think so, and Tyler was quick to point out why. When people are inundated with these automated emails… that when you see a video that lands in your inbox with a personalized message on a whiteboard, you know that it was recorded just for you.” Tyler goes on to say that while text emails haven’t fully gone away yet, sales people are getting a bit dependent on templates that are growing tiresome. Are your prospects feeling the same? Is video messaging for everyone? Kyle has some news for you – that window of opportunity is closing fast. Who is video messaging for?

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Everything is changing about the technology buying process. And I’m not exaggerating – prospects are interacting less and less with salespeople, and turning more and more to self-serve content. Inboxes are more filled with more emails than ever, and chances to stick out amongst the crowd have diminished.

Because buyers are evolving, salespeople have to evolve as well. And fast. So that’s why we were so excited to hear from Tonni Bennett at Terminus and Kyle Norton at League last week for this panel webinar we hosted with Sales Hacker called 3 Ways Top Sales Teams are Killing it with Personal Video. Tonni, Kyle and our own Tyler Lessard dropped 30 minutes of non-stop sales smarts, but here’s a few highlights that really stuck out:

How is your team driving attention with cold prospects?

“We’re starting with a video…” is always a good way to start any discussion in my humble opinion, but it’s extra relevant after Tyler asked our panel how they’re helping to re-ignite dead leads, and bring opportunities back from the grave.

“We’re trying to personalize our messaging so that instead of saying ‘we do this, we do this, we do this,’ we’re opening with something like ‘hey, I saw you do X, Y, Z’ I thought this might be relevant.” Tonni continues, highlighting that this kind of conversation can be lengthy in the course of an email, but video makes this kind of discussion a snap.

Video has…