12 Social Media Tools Necessary for Content Marketing Success

12 Social Media Tools Necessary for Content Marketing Success

12 Social Media Tools Necessary for Content Marketing Success. Leverage shares with others The first type of tool I’m going to show you helps you increase the number of times others share your content. As you know, social media is dependant on shares. Save time Everyone wants to do more on social media. According to Social Media Examiner data, over half of all marketers plan on increasing their posting on the top four social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn). If you’re a content marketer like me, you know why. Quuu Every good content marketer knows that you can’t just post your own content. PostPlanner Every day, users and brands share 3.2 billion images on social media — that doesn’t include videos and text updates. First, you’ll track your competitors’ social media accounts. Using that data, you can create your own content or share what’s popular.

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social media

The biggest secret to content marketing is the promotion.

Yes, great content helps increase sales and traffic. But if the right people don’t see that content, it’s worthless.

Social media is one of the most promising ways to promote your content.

In fact, four in ten American adults say they bought something on social media. There’s huge potential there!

SUMOHeavy Social Media Consumer Purchase Influencer Jan2017

You probably are already using social media marketing in some form.

But when you combine it with your content, your results will go through the roof.

I’m going to show you my favorite social media tools to help with content marketing. These will save you time and expose your content to more people.

Leverage shares with others

The first type of tool I’m going to show you helps you increase the number of times others share your content.

As you know, social media is dependant on shares. The more content gets shared, the more likely it is to go viral.

But most content marketers go about this in the wrong way. Even if your company’s social media profile is popular, your reach is a fraction of its potential.

When you post one of your pieces of content, it simply doesn’t get seen by a lot of people.

How do you fix that problem? Simple. You leverage the shares of others.

These tools will help you do that.

1. Viral Content Bee

Do you have an awesome piece of content that isn’t getting enough traction?

You’re not alone. Other marketers are writing great pieces that your audience would love, too.

What if you could swap shares? You share their content, and they share yours?

Enter Viral Content Bee.

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This isn’t a scam site that lets you buy Facebook shares or Twitter retweets. It doesn’t violate the policies of these social networks.

Instead, you get to see great content you’d love to share with your followers. The list is based on the types of content you’re interested in.

Rather than scouring the web for relevant articles, they’re sent right to you. You can see the articles available to share in this screenshot from the Viral Content Bee website.

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You’ll choose the articles that look the most interesting for your audience and share them.

By doing so, you earn points. These points can then be used to submit your own content.

If others appreciate your work, they’ll share it as well!

Of course, there is no guarantee that your article will be shared. But if you write high-quality content and submit your best pieces, more people are guaranteed to see it.

Share interesting stories, write long-form content, and include plenty of visuals.

2. LinkedIn Elevate

If you’re in the B2B space, a huge number of people are interested in sharing your content: your employees!

Your employees are connected with others in the same field on LinkedIn, and you can leverage their connections to help with your content marketing.

That’s exactly what LinkedIn Elevate helps you do.

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Having your employees pitch in can be a huge benefit to your business. The voices of employees are more authentic than a corporate brand’s marketing pitch.

Plus, passionate workers encourage others to believe your company’s claims.

According to MDG Marketing, 79% of companies say employee social advocacy increases company visibility.

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According to LinkedIn, employee-shared content is 2x more engaging than content shared by companies themselves.

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Elevate builds a solid system to increase employee sharing.

First, you’ll find your most socially engaged employees. These are the individuals you’d like to work with because they have the most connections.

Second, Elevate finds your best content and automatically shows it to those employees. The more they share, the more socially engaged Elevate ranks them.

And finally, Elevate will provide data on your results. You’ll be able to see which employees share the most and drive the most traffic.

You’ll also be able to track leads and find out what pieces bring in the most sales.

Using this data, you can optimize your content strategy and promote your content even more effectively.

3. ClickToTweet

I’ve already explained how to run a great influencer marketing campaign.

But even if it works really well, how do you know those influencers will share your content?

Even if someone with thousands or millions of Twitter followers loves your content, they might not promote it. You need to make it as easy as possible.

ClickToTweet lets you post a link or a button that automatically writes a tweet for those influencers to use.

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You can set it up quickly. Click Sign In With Twitter.

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Allow permission to use your account. You’ll then be taken to your dashboard.

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Up at the top, you can enter a tweet you would like to promote. It has a character counter so you don’t go over Twitter’s limit.

Even better, ClickToTweet will shorten your links and track the clicks the post receives.

Dashboard ClickToTweet com

Once you’re finished, click Generate New Link.

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This will give you a page with details for sharing.

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You can use the link anywhere!

You can include it at the bottom of your emails, or even in your email signature, linking to your most popular article.

You can also include it in the middle of your content like John Lee Dumas does on EOFire.

Entrepreneur On Fire Jon Morrow of BoostBlogTraffic com

Perhaps my favorite part of ClickToTweet is that you can see how your links are doing. You can even check up on their progress months after posting!

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Save time

Everyone wants to do more on social media.

According to Social Media Examiner data, over half of all marketers plan on increasing their posting on the top four social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn).

SocialMediaExaminer Social Platform Trends June2017

So, why aren’t they already doing enough?

If you’re a content marketer like me, you know why. We’re busy!

There are thousands of things we could be doing. Any tool that saves us time is worthwhile.

These three tool will shave precious minutes off your day through automation. There’s no reason to waste your time on something a computer could do!

The less time you spend posting to social media, the more time you can dedicate to replying to customer feedback and producing content.

These tools will help you reclaim lost hours.

4. eClincher

Many content marketers don’t promote their content on social media seconds after writing a post. Sometimes they forget even if it contains time-sensitive information.

It might take a few hours or even a few days.

This is especially problematic for updates or anything related to current events.

You see, the number of Americans who use social media for news every week has been steadily increasing. In 2017, that number hit over half of all Americans for the first time.

ReutersInstitute US News Consumption Sources 2012 2017 Jun2017

Those people are eager to read time-sensitive updates, and you need to meet the demand.

If you’re waiting to publish links on social media, you’re missing out on an opportunity.

Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about that anymore. eClincher will post those articles for you.

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eClincher offers a lot of features, but the one we’re most interested in is the RSS-to-share feature.

If you run a blog, it updates the RSS feed each time you post.

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This is immediate and automatic.

eClincher recognizes each time your RSS feed updates with a new piece of content, and it posts that…