How to Get 200 Targeted Leads Daily on LinkedIn (Starting This Week)

How to Get 200 Targeted Leads Daily on LinkedIn (Starting This Week)

Misconception #3 – You can only connect with people you personally know, so it isn’t valuable for generating new leads. All you have to do is target your marketing efforts toward “legal assistants” or “law clerks”. Creating projects is also a great way to optimize your profile. Write articles, create slide-share presentations, and develop white papers or e-books so that you’re giving people a reason to engage with you. Then find opportunities to connect and generate leads through other people’s networks. And if you want to increase awareness and reach, sponsored content is one of the most effective ways to generate a consistent new stream of high-quality connections and leads. Lead with the individual receiving the message. Discuss your message from the recipient’s point of view and how your message pertains to them and how your services will be of benefit to them. Once you’ve added this code to your website, you’ll need to create a conversion action via the platform. Step 4: Give them what they want If you want to be successful at generating 200+ leads every day on LinkedIn, it’s imperative that you keep your target audience in mind.

21 Rules for Being a Better Thought Leader
A Modern Guide to Social Media Content Marketing, Part 3: LinkedIn
Should SEOs & Content Marketers Play to the Social Networks’ “Stay-On-Our-Site” Algorithms? – Whiteboard Friday

Let’s be honest: The world of social media marketing can feel a bit like the Wild Wild West.

LinkedIn boasts a wide array of robust analytics and marketing tools, yet we still often leave it behind in the dust.

The reason is obvious. When you’re confronted by countless platform options, and when industry experts are always giving you their two cents, you might already feel overwhelmed.

As you weed through endless platforms and evaluate which sites best fit your needs, you’ll quickly come to terms with one inevitable fact:

There are a ton of social media gems out there that get sidelined.

Which brings us to our topic of discussion: LinkedIn. It’s one of the most overlooked and underrated social media platforms for marketing.

So first things first. Let’s get a few things out of the way.

I want to clarify that there are a ton of awesome platforms out there that can effectively help you generate leads and expand your reach.

I am not here to tell you that LinkedIn is the end-all, and be-all for your digital marketing needs.

So what am I here to do?

I’m here to be upfront and straightforward about LinkedIn’s potential. I’ll walk you through my step-by-step process on how to quickly grow your connections and leads on LinkedIn.

The added bonus is that what I’m about to share with you can be extrapolated and applied to your marketing ventures on other social media platforms, as well.

But first… a little about LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the proverbial diamond in the rough when it comes to digital marketing.

However, it can sometimes get overlooked by digital marketers in favor of more popular platforms due to various misconceptions regarding its nature — and its value.

  • Misconception #1 – No regular users. People only use the platform to connect with people they know or to occasionally update their resumes.
  • Misconception #2 – LinkedIn is too small. You’re better off fishing in big ponds like Facebook and Instagram if you want to generate meaningful connections and leads for your business.
  • Misconception #3 – You can only connect with people you personally know, so it isn’t valuable for generating new leads.

None of these things could be further from the truth.

LinkedIn is a thriving social network filled with regular users — over 500 million of them, to be exact. And it’s home to more than 9 million business profiles from over 200 countries.

But numbers are just that: numbers.

It’s the quality of LinkedIn users that is truly impressive. You might also be surprised by how well users engage with the platform itself.

75 percent of all registered LinkedIn users have incomes over $50,000, and 44 percent have incomes over $75,000.

Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are on LinkedIn, and a recent survey of business executives found that 76 percent of them check their LinkedIn accounts on a daily basis.

This type of engagement helps to explain why LinkedIn generates more leads than blogging, Tweeting or posting on Facebook, which in turn results in some of the highest conversion rates among any of the major social media sites.

In fact, according to B2B News Network, approximately half of all users are likely to purchase from a company that they engage with on LinkedIn.

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So, it’s pretty crazy that more people aren’t taking advantage of this platform, especially since LinkedIn has a wild card up its sleeve that is often not taken into consideration.

The big secret? Specificity

When you market on LinkedIn, you’re not just hitting a generalized demographic of individuals in certain geographic locations with certain professed interests like everywhere else.

On LinkedIn, you’re able to target your audience on a much deeper level — including geographic location, current company, past company, industry, profile language, non-profit interests, and school.

This is why LinkedIn is the perfect option for highly targeted communication efforts to a very specific “micro” demographic with better opportunities for high conversion rates.


So we’ve effectively debunked the first two misconceptions.

As for the third, you can connect with anyone on LinkedIn. It’s just like any other social media network.

You don’t have to have a 1st- or 2nd-degree connection in order to do this.

I’m still not sure how this misconception even became a mainstream assumption.

So, let’s say you run a business that generates educational resources and opportunities for people who want to go to law school – LinkedIn can help with that.

All you have to do is target your marketing efforts toward “legal assistants” or “law clerks”.

It may take a little trial and error at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that LinkedIn’s targeting to be intuitive and super easy.

So now that we’ve established that LinkedIn is a perfect platform for marketing and cleared up all the common misconceptions.

Now, let’s dive into how you can start building out your network and subsequently generating leads.

Step 1: Optimize your profile


This word has the ability to make even the toughest of the tough shudder.

It’s so broad and so vague, and it can take what feels like a lifetime to accomplish.

For the context of this article, optimization means tailoring your page so that the content is optimized for searches. We also want to ensure that it displays a visually aesthetic and engaging amount of content.

When filling out all of your information on LinkedIn, it is important to keep it SEO friendly.

Think of popular buzzwords and do proper keyword research to optimize your page to the best of your ability.

Do you do web development?

If so, keywords like “website development,” “website developer,” and “website programming” are important to consider.

Just keep in mind that longer-tail keyword phrases keep your targeted efforts specific and will result in higher quality traffic.

So, for example, if you do web development in Washington, D.C., a keyword phrase like “website development Washington DC” will generate more targeted results than simply “website development.”

Here’s a search for “website development.”

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It brings up over 97,000 results!

A search for “website development Washington DC,” on the other hand, brings up only 159 results.

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LinkedIn’s search algorithm works very much the same way as Google’s, so be sure to optimize — and optimize well.

Just don’t get overly verbose.

Most people aren’t going to read through long narrative prose, anyway, so your best bet is to use the KISS approach to your messaging.

Also, don’t try to trick LinkedIn’s search algorithm by jamming a bunch of keyword phrases into your text.

You may (and I say this loosely) see some initial traction, but it’s not going to benefit you in the long run since LinkedIn will eventually catch on and your page popularity will plummet.

Plus, keyword-stuffed profiles are incredibly tacky and annoying.

While many of you may not want to hear it, filling out your profile in its entirety is crucial.

It enables you to take advantage of optimization strategies for searches on LinkedIn and through Google.

Also, research has shown that users who fill their profile completely are forty times more likely to receive incoming inquiries because of this one action alone.

Being strategic is the name of the game, so plan your content around the various character-count allotments the platform allows per section.

Other forms of optimization include creating a vanity URL.

Research has found that they are far more effective since they establish trust quicker, are easier to remember, and facilitate online sharing.

Hiding the “People Also Viewed” section of your profile keeps the focus on you. This box lists similar profiles to yours and, in essence, gives the viewer an open invitation to check out your competitors.


Fortunately, this can be rectified by visiting the “Privacy & Settings” section of your account.

Creating projects is also a great way to optimize your profile.

Projects not only serve to highlight your past work and skill set, but they also allow you to post URLs, too.

This serves two purposes:

  • You’ll generate a few high-quality links to your website(s).
  • You’ll have an opportunity to showcase your knowledge and talent with the world.

LinkedIn can — and will — reward you for the effort since an overwhelming majority of people will never come even remotely close to filling out their profiles in their entirety.

Once your profile is complete, don’t abandon all your hard work! Continue to nurture your page, instead.

Update it regularly so you become a constant fixture in the feeds of individuals and businesses within your network.

Keep your posts practical and inviting.

Write articles,…