What Marketing Automation Campaigns You Need to Start Doing ASAP

What Marketing Automation Campaigns You Need to Start Doing ASAP

You don’t have time to run the business and still email every single customer after they purchase your product. What is marketing automation? So, what exactly is marketing automation? Here’s my definition: Automating marketing processes that otherwise are tedious and take up too much time. They further describe it as taking repetitive tasks like email and social media and automating them to save time and money. From scheduling social posts to automated emails and nurturing tactics, the options are nearly limitless. Add Facebook Leads into CRM or email and welcome them to your list One of my favorite tools for collecting leads is using Facebook Lead Ads. For this automation campaign, we obviously want to import our Facebook Lead Ads data into a CRM or email platform to save time and automate the process of new campaigns. Automatically share curated content on social media Another one of my favorite, unconventional marketing automation campaigns is to automate the process of sharing content on social media. When a form is completed, send those new leads into your CRM or email platform to automatically start new campaigns.

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There are only so many hours in a day.

24 to be exact.

And if you’re like me, you have a list of seemingly never-ending tasks to fill those hours.

Social media posts, blog posts, SEO, PPC, financials, processes, etc.

But when you’re scaling and growing your small business, you need to start cutting time from as many tedious tasks as possible.

You don’t have time to run the business and still email every single customer after they purchase your product.

You don’t have time to nurture prospects and leads with personalized messaging.

But, it still needs to be done if you want your business to survive (and you do).

Thankfully, to continue nurturing your relationships with your customers and maintain your business, there’s marketing automation.

Instead of wasting time on menial processes, you can automate them and save loads of hours and frustration.

And you won’t be alone.

In fact, more than 50% of companies are using marketing automation.

And more than half of B2B companies are planning to adopt it.

67% of the industry leaders in marketing are using automation to improve and grow their companies.

And they use marketing automation for a variety of objectives, from increasing ROI to getting more customers.

This means that the top marketers in the business are using this innovative technology to save time.

So if you want to make your business more efficient, you need to be running these marketing-automation campaigns, too.

But, first, let’s jump into exactly what marketing automation is.

What is marketing automation?

So, what exactly is marketing automation?

Here’s my definition:

Automating marketing processes that otherwise are tedious and take up too much time.

Yes, it’s simple, because it’s sort of a simple concept.

It’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like, but I know most people love specific definitions.

So, here is Google’s take on it:

The last part is crucial here: automating repetitive tasks.

The goal of marketing automation is to cut down on time, improve efficiency, and run processes automatically that would otherwise suck your time and kill efficiency.

HubSpot defines marketing automation like this:

Marketing automation refers to the software that exists with the goal of automating marketing actions.

They further describe it as taking repetitive tasks like email and social media and automating them to save time and money.

The point is to automate tedious tasks that take you away from other things that need your attention.

And it’s safe to say that the adoption of marketing automation is growing fast.

Heavy adoption of marketing automation started in 2014, and the growth since then has been trending upwards.

And the majority of marketers believe that marketing automation is worth the cost and setup:

Meaning that most marketers are benefiting from the implementation and seeing positive ROIs.

On top of that, most marketers believe that they are successful at achieving important objectives through the use of marketing-automation techniques.

But, tons of marketers still don’t have integrated systems and aren’t taking advantage of marketing automation.

And they should be.

I use tons of marketing-automation techniques every day.

From scheduling social posts to automated emails and nurturing tactics, the options are nearly limitless.

I can even set up automations based on traffic or new leads.

Marketing automation has saved me countless hours that I would have spent on email and social media.

And today I’m going to share some of my favorite marketing-automation campaigns that you need to implement ASAP.

Let’s get started.

Add Facebook Leads into CRM or email and welcome them to your list

One of my favorite tools for collecting leads is using Facebook Lead Ads.

These lead ads are one of the best ways to collect leads and build your email list.

Why? Because they integrate so well into Facebook and are one of the least-boring lead forms I’ve ever used.

Here’s an example of what they look like. The first step in this multi-level form is:

And once they hit your CTA, they have a basic information screen to fill out:

Here’s a better, full example of the entire process that Facebook users will see when they click on and fill out your lead-generation forms:

But, where do the leads go once someone fills out the form?

That’s one of my main concerns (and many marketers I’ve worked with) with Facebook Lead Ads.

It turns out that the leads simply go to Facebook’s own Forms Library on your Business Manager account:

But, personally, I don’t want to waste my time going to the forms library and sorting the data myself.

I don’t have the time to waste by checking out the leads, submissions, and downloading the data.

And isn’t the point of automation all about saving time?

After you check out the new leads, you have to tediously upload them to your CRM or email-management software to start running campaigns.

Again, I don’t have time for that.

Then, you have to take your newly-uploaded email list and start setting up campaigns.

But, what if you could automatically do that?

What if you could just set up your Lead Ads and have someone imported into your CRM or email platform once they submit the form.

Then they’ll be automatically placed into an email campaign.

Luckily, this is a possibility.

Simply fire up a marketing-automation tool like Zapier to get started.

Zapier is probably my favorite tool to use for developing incredibly fast, easy integrations and automations.

It connects to hundreds (if not thousands) of applications that you likely are using.

For example, you can connect your calendar to Slack, or your social media to a workflow, or even import your Facebook Lead Ads data into your favorite email program.

The options are nearly limitless, and the ease of use blows other products away.

For this automation campaign, we obviously want to import…