This Business Thrived When It Made Blog Content a Cornerstone of Its Marketing Strategy

This Business Thrived When It Made Blog Content a Cornerstone of Its Marketing Strategy

Image credit: Tashi-Delek | Getty Images Today, popular media content is fairly homogeneous, and if you’re not posting a selfie or blogging about your latest food experience, you’re outdated, right? Capital Alliance created their online presence quickly and painlessly, and they now have a large following because of it. Creating content can sometimes require a lot of behind the scenes work. For example, instead of investing the time and money into personalized research, companies can take advantage of resources like Google Suggest. If you own a reverse mortgage company, and you want to grow its online presence, you can turn to Google for content ideas. As you’re creating your first piece of internet content, you might be confused about who to target, especially if your audience is multifaceted. Although there are several strategies for this, one that’s shown a lot of success is catering content to specific groups. For example, instead of creating general blogs about financing, Capital Alliance writes pieces like “Small-Business Loan Options for Manufacturing Businesses” and “4 Unconventional Uses for Restaurant Loans.” Although these pieces are specific, they can also speak to wider audiences because they are all helpful and interesting. Also, Capital Alliance does a great job of creating an interesting topic out of something that could have been lackluster. This customer feedback can then influence future online post ideas.

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This Business Thrived When It Made Blog Content a Cornerstone of Its Marketing Strategy

Today, popular media content is fairly homogeneous, and if you’re not posting a selfie or blogging about your latest food experience, you’re outdated, right? Wrong. Growing your company’s online following can seem like a complicated task — especially if your content isn’t related to a “hot topic” — but this doesn’t have to be the case.

It is a larger undertaking to build an online audience from content that’s traditionally touted as boring, but it’s absolutely an achievable goal. Moreover, it’s a worthwhile pursuit that can pay off.

Crafting killer copy out of less than gripping information didn’t scare off Capital Alliance, a company that saw positive returns nearly instantaneously after posting their first blog. In a world where small business financing isn’t the most thrilling topic, they needed to find angles that were unique and compelling to their audience. Traditional approaches wouldn’t work, so they decided to be story driven to tie in emotion.

Capital Alliance created their online presence quickly and painlessly, and they now have a large following because of it. To find this success, they abide by the following principles:

Creative content conceptualization.

Creating content can sometimes require a lot of behind the scenes work. This convention leads many to conduct expensive market research before they begin posting, but this isn’t a necessity — at least not at first.

The more insight you have the better, but in the beginning, it’s enough to keep it simple. For example, instead of investing the time and money into personalized research, companies can take advantage of resources like Google Suggest.

Here’s an example. If you own a reverse mortgage company, and you…