Secret Marketer: Marketing as a series of tools and methodologies is the platform for long-term success

Secret Marketer: Marketing as a series of tools and methodologies is the platform for long-term success. How do you pitch your campaign idea? How can you get buy-in without having a campaign redesigned in front of you? Should you be more aggressive and suggest you can deliver more revenue than in the budget? The marketing profession is often seen as the exact opposite to the process-driven thinking of project management. We are expected to be creative even when we don’t have a creative bone in our body. We’re expected to provide the inspiration, not the perspiration. A process is a combination of inputs to create an output that generates value. Codifying this process is the real way to distil the tools and methodologies required to build brands, just like it is for my chart-obsessed work colleagues in making sales. Part of my problem in prepping for the sales kick-off is that I’m not speaking the process language of the management audience.

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Prepping for the annual sales kick-off (SKO) can be tricky. How do you pitch your campaign idea? How can you get buy-in without having a campaign redesigned in front of you? Should you be more aggressive and suggest you can deliver more revenue than in the budget? How can you get the sales team to stick to the plan and not run off to do their own thing?

These are the challenges we face as marketers, and I’m facing them as I prepare for this year’s SKO. Working in a process-driven environment, like I am, can be a bigger challenge. Why? Because marketing is rarely viewed as a process-based profession. How can you get marketing to be seen as the growth driver rather than the colouring-in department?

The marketing profession is often seen as the exact opposite to the process-driven thinking of project management. We are expected to be creative even when we don’t have a creative bone in our body. We’re expected to provide the inspiration, not the perspiration. I wonder, however, is there something that we can learn…