These Tech Companies Use Video for Lead Generation (and You Can Too!)

These Tech Companies Use Video for Lead Generation (and You Can Too!)

That’s a whole lot of video content being consumed, which makes it the perfect medium for your marketing plan. And what better way to do that than with video? Optimizing Your Videos for Visibility and Lead Generation These three brands did an excellent job of finding ways to better connect with their audience using video marketing. Focus On Educating Your Audience Most people (80%) search online for information. Think about what Lenovo did for its campaign – educating their audience about the products and technology trends. Create a series of how-to videos that show your audience exactly what to do. And 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product that’s featured on YouTube. Take Your Marketing to the Next Level It doesn’t matter whether you’re a tech startup or a company that’s been in the industry for years – video content is a must-have for your marketing strategy. Most marketers use marketing automation tools to manage and implement their marketing campaigns. 5 Video Marketing Statistics You Can't Ignore in... 7 Successful Video Marketing Strategies and... Benefits of a SWOT Analysis and How to Fine... 4 Essential Sources of Content... Why Your Small Business Should Have A Content... 50 Delightfully Simple Video Content Ideas... How Is Content Marketing Changing in 2018?

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You’re a high-tech company looking to target a specific internet audience. But where are most users spending their time?

If you do a bit of research, you’ll find that internet users spend 1/3 of their time watching video content.

And it’s expected that by 2019, 90% of web traffic will come from online video. This is no surprise since 45% of people watch over an hour of video using Facebook and YouTube each day.

That’s a whole lot of video content being consumed, which makes it the perfect medium for your marketing plan. Needless to say, having a video marketing strategy is key if you want to reach today’s consumers.

And if you can fuse it with your social media marketing – even better. But if video content isn’t already a part of your lead generation plan, then this guide is for you.

First, let’s see what we can learn from these examples of tech brands successfully using video marketing.

GE: Show the Humanity in Your Technology

Consumers today are looking to have a human connection with brands. There are various ways you can do this, such as by touching on matters your audience really cares about.

One great example of this is General Electric’s Millie Dresselhaus video. It successfully sparked emotion by creating a “what if” story that revolved around women.

It asks a powerful question of what would the world be like if women scientists, such as Millie Dresselhaus, were as popular and influential as celebrities. Why did this succeed? Because the brand pledges to help increase the number of women in STEM positions.

Lenovo: If You Can’t Be Original, then Be Different

It’s not always easy coming up with unique technological inventions. In most cases, technologies are simply advancements in what already exists.

But it’s not always about being original – you can instead focus your video marketing on being different.

Lenovo did a great job of this with their video campaign. Rather than focusing on price-based messaging, they ventured over to an “always-on” integrated approach.

This included creating and sharing branded content that honed in on topics that mattered to IT decision-makers. They called this series “Think Progress” and featured it on B2B sites. The aim was to invoke emotion and engage their audience, while also entertaining and educating them about the latest technology trends.

ZenDesk: Show Don’t Tell

You hear this all the time in marketing – it’s all about showing the benefits, not telling them. And what better way to do that than with video?

ZenDesk did an amazing job of this by using video to teach their customers and prospects about their products (and how to use them). It sure beats reading pages upon pages of a manual that no one understands.

The same can be done for product demonstration videos. Consumers want to see how your technology works and how they can use it to improve their business or personal life.

Optimizing Your Videos for Visibility and Lead Generation

These three brands did an excellent job of finding ways to better connect with their audience using video marketing.

Now, it’s time to take a closer look at some of the ways you can build a video marketing campaign that generates leads. A successful video campaign is part content and part SEO.

We’ve already covered some ideas for your content, so now we’re going to zone in on optimizing your campaign for search engines and humans.

Keep Your Videos Short

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