Leave Your Competition in the Dust With These Snapchat Marketing Strategies

Leave Your Competition in the Dust With These Snapchat Marketing Strategies

However, just 21 percent of companies have Snapchat accounts. This creates a huge opportunity for your brand to reach new customers. Start following accounts of the brands you love (and not necessarily those of your competitors) and take a note of the tools, techniques and type of content they use to engage with their followers. Snapchat designed its app in a way that is fun for teenagers to explore and use, and data demonstrates that the company is doing a great job keeping its younger users engaged. Don't forget to make your stories fun, playful and engaging. This means Snapchat users get a real look at the company -- as long as you let your company show this more vulnerable side through your snaps. Most importantly, entertain your followers and have fun while creating Snaps! Marketing is about getting people to engage with your brand. Snapchat, however, is designed to keep followers on the platform for longer. Whether you're an experienced Snapchat marketer or someone who's testing the waters for an early stage company that wants to reach a young audience, there are ways to make your brand shine on Snapchat.

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Leave Your Competition in the Dust With These Snapchat Marketing Strategies

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Not a day passes without a marketer proclaiming their departure from Snapchat.

No one is there.

Everyone’s on Instagram Stories.

Snapchat is dying.

These are just some of the reasons you hear within the marketing community. So, should you leave Snapchat’s 191 million daily active users, many of whom are teenagers exclusive to Snapchat and thus cannot be reached on other platforms?

Absolutely not. Instead, celebrate every time a competitor leaves Snapchat as an opportunity to grow your brand.

Get ahead of your competition.

A study by Clutch and Smart Insights found that 89 percent of businesses are on Facebook, 83 percent are on LinkedIn, 80 percent are on Twitter and 56 percent are on Instagram. However, just 21 percent of companies have Snapchat accounts. This creates a huge opportunity for your brand to reach new customers.

Whether you are building a following organically or utilizing Snap Ads, make sure your content on Snapchat is fun and engaging. Start following accounts of the brands you love (and not necessarily those of your competitors) and take a note of the tools, techniques and type of content they use to engage with their followers.

Experiment with the types of Snaps you share, ask for and pay attention to feedback from your followers, and double down on the content that generates the most engagement and results. This will help you better refine your future strategy and get ahead of your competitors by connecting and building relationships with your core audience on Snapchat.

Reach a younger demographic.

Snapchat is often described as confusing by “grownups” — and that’s intentional.

Snapchat designed its app in a way that is fun for teenagers to explore and use, and data demonstrates that the company is doing a great job keeping its younger users engaged. According to a 2018 Pew Research Center study, 78 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds use Snapchat. Comparatively, only 45 percent use Twitter.

Understanding this specific appeal to a younger audience will…