Fashion Merchants Can Build a Business around Social Media

Fashion Merchants Can Build a Business around Social Media

Content creation includes researching, planning, creating, and scheduling. Social media can improve traffic from search engines, as follows. Promoting articles and expert guides on social media could produce many backlinks, which would improve rankings in Google and other search engines. YouTube is a video search engine. For brick-and-mortar businesses, Yelp is a key social media outlet. Other social media outlets. Second, organic links from influencers to your sites will improve search engine rankings. YouTube videos from influencers with a target following work like a charm. Instagram collaborations perform on a smaller scale that YouTube videos. Each Instagram collaboration will generally work in your favor for three to four days in my experience.

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Most lifestyle and fashion merchants use social media. But many don’t realize how critical it is to their business.

For large retailers, social media is typically responsible for 3-7 percent of web traffic. Smaller merchants, however, can build an entire, lucrative business around this channel.

Social media is not about throwing random pictures on Instagram, uploading occasional videos, pinning cute images, or bombarding Facebook followers and group members with promotions.

Instead, social media, properly executed, is about delivering helpful information to customers and prospects, which will encourage them to engage with your business.

4 Benefits of Social Media

Social media can help businesses in four principal ways. Each requires a strategy, tactics, and a schedule. Some posts you can create on the fly. But the majority must be planned, designed in a chunk, and scheduled. Done well, social media is time-consuming, especially if it’s a primary traffic source.

General communication. The two main aspects are content creation and promotion. They work in tandem. If you create amazing content but don’t promote it, your time and money are wasted.

Large social media teams have different people for content creation and content promotion.

  • Content creation includes researching, planning, creating, and scheduling. “Content” can include descriptions, captions, hashtags, keywords, tags, meta info, and anything else that an outlet requires.
  • Content promotion is an organic or paid way of delivering your content to more people than you have in your immediate social community.
Joe's Jeans uses Facebook to promote its content — a Labor Day sale in this case.
Joe’s Jeans uses Facebook to promote its content — a Labor Day sale in this case.

Search engine optimization. Social media can improve traffic from search engines, as follows.

  • Articles and guides. Promoting articles and expert guides on social media could produce many backlinks, which would improve rankings in Google and other search engines.
  • YouTube. YouTube is a video search engine. YouTube videos are also prominent in Google search results. To rank highly, make sure that the video title, file…