Sharpen Your Habits in November with the Copyblogger Book Club

Sharpen Your Habits in November with the Copyblogger Book Club

Yeah, we have no idea what that would be like. We’ve had lots to put together in the past months, and getting on Facebook wasn’t always at the top of the to-do list. But, as luck would have it, James Clear has written a genuinely useful new book about improving habits. So, because we enjoy being meta at Copyblogger, we’re going to use James’s habits book to tighten up our book club habit! Yes, our November book club book is Atomic Habits by James Clear. To get started, just hop into our Facebook group and look for the announcement at the top of the group. We’re going to be looking at James’s four areas of focus for improving habits. If you’ve read other good books on habits, James has distilled a lot of that advice into this book — but for me it feels fresh and helpful. James has also identified lots of ways to troubleshoot problems we run into when improving our habits. The team deletes join requests from folks who don’t answer the questions.

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Sharpen Your Habits in November with the Copyblogger Book Club

Did you ever have one of those book clubs where you spend most of your time drinking wine and talking about anything other than the book?

Yeah, we have no idea what that would be like. Ahem.

OK, OK, we admit it, the Copyblogger book club has been a little … unfocused. We’ve had lots to put together in the past months, and getting on Facebook wasn’t always at the top of the to-do list.

But, as luck would have it, James Clear has written a genuinely useful new book about improving habits.

So, because we enjoy being meta at Copyblogger, we’re going to use James’s habits book to tighten up our book club habit!

Yes, our November book club book is Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s smart, it’s thoughtful, and it’s full of solid, pragmatic advice.

“… the people who don’t have their habits handled are often the ones with the least amount of freedom”

That’s one of many quotes I copied out from Atomic Habits, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a few things in their life they’d like to improve.

If you have a book club habit that you’ve been…