Want 7-Figure Podcast Downloads? Try These 5 Strategies.

Want 7-Figure Podcast Downloads? Try These 5 Strategies.

To take advantage of podcasts, you need to build your reach and find ways to get more people to listen. For a format that in some ways took its cues from the old-school radio play, podcasts are a shockingly popular medium among young people. To take advantage of podcasts, you need to build your reach and find ways to get more people to listen. Podcasts have their biggest audience at the beginning and smallest at the end, whereas radio shows tend to have a fairly constant audience throughout. And once you have the audience, make sure you're constantly providing them with new content. Monitor social media for mentions of your podcast, and when people mention that they've been listening, engage with them. Make sure you leave CTAs for reviews in places where your listeners will see them, too. If you know some of your guests well, ask if they'll ask for reviews when they push out links themselves. First, make sure you ask for a review -- an honest review, not a good one -- as a prerequisite. You can use these tactics to grow your audience to seven figures.

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To take advantage of podcasts, you need to build your reach and find ways to get more people to listen.

Want 7-Figure Podcast Downloads? Try These 5 Strategies.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Podcasts have exploded in the last couple of years. And if yours has been left behind, you need to fix it. For a format that in some ways took its cues from the old-school radio play, podcasts are a shockingly popular medium among young people. According to LinkedIn, 42 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 34 listen to podcasts.

Simply put, podcasts are going up in popularity, while blogs are going down.

It’s odd — in an age where everything is designed to appeal to more senses, to have higher fidelity, the content that’s gaining popularity takes more inspiration from Prairie Home Companion than Avatar.

To take advantage of podcasts, you need to build your reach and find ways to get more people to listen. And to do that, you have to think outside the box:

1. Use your guests.

You would be shocked how accessible some of the people you follow on social media are.

I’ve noticed this myself — there’ve been several people that I’ve reached out to on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook that have been perfectly willing to hear me out when I would have thought they were too big.

Be strategic in how you choose guests to go after. Study the niche you’re podcasting in, and figure out who the biggest influencers are. If you can get them on your podcast and then have them promote across all the social media channels they control, you’ll grow explosively.

Reach out to people that might be interested, especially if there’s already a connection there. Let their network grow your audience.

2. Use radio show tactics to create an engaging experience.

NPR knows a thing or two about how to engage people with an audio format. They’ve been doing it for 47 years, in fact.

One of the most helpful tips NPR One Managing Editor Tamar Charney suggests is based on the unique characteristics of a podcast: Re-engage listeners every two to five minutes. Podcasts have their biggest audience at the beginning…