How to Conduct a Content Audit: A #CMWorld Twitter Chat with Melissa Harrison

How to Conduct a Content Audit: A #CMWorld Twitter Chat with Melissa Harrison

When was the last time you looked at your content? That’s why it’s important for marketers to run regular content audits. As CEO, she ensures the content her team produces engages audiences and achieves client goals. #CMWorld — Melissa Harrison (@MHBossLady) January 15, 2019 A1: I usually conduct one every 6 months or so. It’s a good way to check in on if content needs to be updated, consolidated, or removed, and it also gives newer content time to rank and perform. Since I’m a freelancer… I should do a #content audit every time I land a new client. #CMWorld — Tod Cordill (@todcordill) January 15, 2019 What are some common mistakes people make when conducting a content audit? I feel the more frequently you audit, the easier it will be to apply changes where necessary #cmworld — M I A ✤ R O S E (@thekryptikrose) January 15, 2019 When was the last time you ran a content audit? Want to take your content marketing strategy to the next level? You’ll gain valuable insights into how you can create a more effective process.

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When was the last time you looked at your content? Like really looked at it? Do you know what content you have and how it’s performing? Do you understand its strengths and weaknesses?

That’s a lot of questions to digest, I know.

But you need the answers. Why? A lot of us are focused on our new content that we forget about what we already have. That’s why it’s important for marketers to run regular content audits. No one recognizes this more than Allee Creative’s Melissa Harrison. As CEO, she ensures the content her team produces engages audiences and achieves client goals. We knew her experience made her the perfect guest for this week’s #CMWorld Twitter chat.

(BTW, Melissa is a pretty cool boss. She brings several members of her team to Content Marketing World every year!)

Think you don’t have the time or energy to conduct a content audit? Think again. Here, we’ll talk about how to identify and analyze existing content to boost your content marketing strategy. If you want to read more of Melissa’s (and our community’s) insights, our Twitter Moment includes all seven questions and their responses.

When should marketers perform a content audit? And how often should it be done?

A1 Timing will be different for everyone. At minimum, conduct annual content audits (to support your biz/mktg plans for the next year). Also, know that it is something that can take quite a bit of time–weeks, months–so hang in there; it’s easier to update from there. #CMWorld

— Melissa Harrison (@MHBossLady) January 15,…