8 content marketing tips to help your business thrive

8 content marketing tips to help your business thrive

8 content marketing tips to help your business thrive. Blogging can be a powerful content marketing tool (as the statistic indicated! Blogging regularly about topics and themes that are highly interesting to your audience will help you build a strong brand authority. You can’t just churn out content on your blog and hit post all the time, even though your followers have chosen to follow your brand, doesn’t mean they constantly want to read the content you’ve written. Building a social community should be your aim here, not solely self-promotion! Create content in collaboration with influencers Getting the opinion of others through your content can not only give extra credibility to your piece but, if it’s a thought piece about the industry in general and not specifically mentioning your company, there’s more chance it’ll be organically shared. And when the influencer shares it with their audience you increase your brand exposure that little bit more through content marketing. You can write blog posts around each part of the guide, make the interesting statistics into a visually engaging infographic, or why not have someone discuss the how-to guide in a video format? Share your content on different platforms You’ve spent a reasonable amount of time creating your content, so publishing it to your blog is a good start but you really need to start shouting about it – how else will everyone know it’s there? Spend some time researching which sites your audience is most likely to visit to read content like yours, this is a good starting point.

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8 content marketing tips to help your business thrive

1. Content doesn’t have to be a blog post

There are many marketers who are under the impression that content is restricted to a blog post, an article, or a press release – this is far from true. Although the content types just mentioned are, of course, examples of content, they’re just the tip of the iceberg! Content comes in a variety of formats including video, podcasts, infographics, memes, lists, how-to articles, quizzes, polls – the list goes on.

It’s so important that your brand experiments with different kinds of content to ultimately figure out the content that resonates with your audience and keeps them coming back to interact with your brand again and again.

2. Become an industry authority

This point is easier said than done, naturally. But just starting by blogging regularly can help your brand enormously. It was reported by HubSpot in 2015 that B2C companies that blogged 11+ times per month got more than 4X as many leads than those that blog only 4-5 times per month. Blogging can be a powerful content marketing tool (as the statistic indicated!), and it’s a tool that’s right at your fingertips!

Blogging regularly about topics and themes that are highly interesting to your audience will help you build a strong brand authority.

3. Pay attention to your buyer personas

You might have seen the term buyer personas floating around the internet over the past few years, and your company might even have a selection of them built already. In which case, that’s great. If you already have them built, have you simply built them, ticked a box and put it on a shelf? You need to be constantly thinking about that persona when you’re creating your content – otherwise, what was the point in creating them?!

4. Your content needs to solve a problem

You should aim to solve the problems that were highlighted as you went through your buyer persona…