8 outstanding tools for content marketers

8 outstanding tools for content marketers

8 outstanding tools for content marketers. If only content marketing were as easy as crafting a few blog posts, sitting back and watching your empire grow. The reality, though, is that content marketing is a multi-faceted, nuanced and ever-evolving journey. Content creation is just where it starts. [RELATED: Ragan creates custom content, from white papers to emails to intranets and more! Find out what our team can do for you . ] Once a story or visual has been published, it must be distributed, tracked, analyzed and measured—and its readers turned into referrals, sales and brand advocates. Some have several functions; some have just one, but the bottom line is this: No matter where you are with your content marketing journey, there are tools that can help you get more out of your efforts. Not sure where to start to find out which are right for you? This infographic can help:

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If only content marketing were as easy as crafting a few blog posts, sitting back and watching your empire grow.

The reality, though, is that content marketing is a multi-faceted, nuanced and ever-evolving journey.

Content creation is just where it starts.

[RELATED: Ragan creates custom content, from white papers to emails to intranets and more! Find out what our team can do…