Backlinks, Hiring Tips, and Building a Business Overseas: Kris Reid on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]

Backlinks, Hiring Tips, and Building a Business Overseas: Kris Reid on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]. By now, most marketers consider search engine optimization (SEO) when planning and writing content, but if you want to dominate your niche within the industry, you might need to call in an expert. From there, he developed tools to help websites rank higher, which led the Brisbane native to found Ardor Media Factory, with offices in Cambodia and the Philippines. Kris, whose clients have dubbed him "the coolest guy in SEO," helps client companies dominate their corner of the industry through Google ranking. Here are just a few highlights from my conversation with Kris: If you're starting out, consider opening your business in another country (04:50): "I knew that I should move to the Philippines, because the Philippines is a great place for business. Originally we moved to the Philippines because the Philippines is a lot cheaper than Cambodia...but there are no expats there, so we were limited on what we could hire.... We've got some really super programmer's there." And he's learned a lot more about SEO now.... Search engine optimization isn't as technical as you might think (13:47): "A lot of SEO is not the most technical stuff in the world. So someone that has a great grasp of English and writing can fit right in there. As soon as we can get our customers a positive return, we know that they're going to be customers for life and even expand working with us, so that's our number-one goal."

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By now, most marketers consider search engine optimization (SEO) when planning and writing content, but if you want to dominate your niche within the industry, you might need to call in an expert.
Some companies hire SEO firms to help optimize their websites and online content, and some of those SEO firms hire Kris Reid’s backlink-building company company, Ardor Media Factory. Kris began his career as a software engineer in the finance industry, but an industry shake-up put him in search of his next opportunity.
After creating a game app, Kris began learning about search engine optimization in an effort to promote his own app. From there, he developed tools to help websites rank higher, which led the Brisbane native to found Ardor Media Factory, with offices in Cambodia and the Philippines.
Kris, whose clients have dubbed him “the coolest guy in SEO,” helps client companies dominate their corner of the industry through Google ranking. He also helps brands manage their online reputation through content optimization.
I invited Kris to Marketing Smarts to discuss how (and why) he built his business overseas, how to hire the right team, and how some simple SEO fixes can yield big results for your brand.
Here are just a few highlights from my conversation with Kris:
If you’re starting out, consider opening your business in another country (04:50): “I knew that I should move to the Philippines, because the Philippines is a great place for business. There’s people that speak English at a really great level, and I was trying to get to there from Russia…. My dad was actually staying in Cambodia, so I just passed through and said ‘man, Phnom Penh’s a cool place.’
“Then I did end up getting to the Philippines and lived there for many years and set up an office there. We’ve grown to an extent that we want a lot more higher-end staff, [expatriates], native English speakers, and Cambodia’s got a whole bunch of them, so I ended up moving back to Cambodia and setting up a second office…. Originally we moved to the Philippines because the Philippines is a lot cheaper than Cambodia…but there are no expats there, so we were limited on what we could hire…. We’ve got some really super programmer’s there.”
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