Five Email Trends and Best-Practices for 2019

Five Email Trends and Best-Practices for 2019

In B2B, in particular, only 35% of users check email on mobile compared with 59% for personal email. Engage with more with interactivity In addition to prioritizing plain-text emails, you should increase the amount of interactive content you send. Based on those findings, you might want to create app-like or microsite-inspired experiences inside your emails. When you do it right, your audience will engage with the content to access the full experience. Send fewer, but smarter emails Email will always remain a valuable marketing tool—as long as you develop smart campaigns. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been slowly making strides across all industries. Companies are now using artificial intelligence to strengthen their email marketing and make it both more personalized and more effective. Marketers can now use AI to create more effective subject lines and images and predict how audiences will respond to each email. As it does, the door opens for more personalized content to be sent at the right times to the right people. * * * You, too, can find success with email marketing in 2019.

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A change in calendar year is an ideal time to think about where things have been and where things are going. For email marketers, the future is bright—as long as we take advantage of important trends and apply best-practices.

1. Embrace mobile, but don’t abandon the desktop

Although at least half of emails are now being read on mobile, that doesn’t mean email on the desktop is dead. In B2B, in particular, only 35% of users check email on mobile compared with 59% for personal email.

Mobile is best for things that can be dealt with and consumed quickly, in real-time. Of those who do check work email on their smartphone, many open the email again on their desktop or tablet if the message requires more consideration or a longer, more thoughtful response.

For email marketers, this means a multi-device approach is best, and that requires careful planning to formulate calls to action that account for how their audiences behave.

In other words, mobile-desktop balance is critical when creating content.

2. KISS your customer and prospects

“Keep it simple, stupid,” or the KISS principal, is alive and well in 2019. When designing email marketing campaigns, resist the urge to use elaborate graphics and highly formatted emails. While you might love the way they look, they’re not necessarily the best performers. Graphic-intensive emails are much more likely to trigger spam alerts, which means fewer of your messages will get through.

Recent studies have found that many email users actually prefer plain text over HTML-style emails that are heavy in graphics. The reason? They look more like personal messages from someone they know, and they feel more sincere and less sales-oriented.

So stick with the basics, and don’t overcomplicate the emails you send. By keeping them simple—i.e., both their messaging and their formatting—you’ll avoid distracting people from what’s really important.

3. Engage with more with interactivity

In addition to prioritizing plain-text emails, you should increase the amount of…