Hit the Target with Video in 2018

Hit the Target with Video in 2018

Load (Plan) Nothing great was achieved with a plan (or in the absence of a plan, heaps of luck…), so prepare to do some legwork in understanding who you are speaking to, what you wish to tell them and where you’ll meet them (online…) Most businesses should know on which social channels, forums, websites and blogs, your target customers ‘hang out’. you develop will be reflected by your campaign objectives. Are you hoping to sell more widgets, explain a process, build your brand, promote an event… the list is long, but once you understand why you are making the content, it’s much easier to structure your ideas. Also, consider how you’ll deploy your Video Marketing strategy. Most importantly, keep your audience in mind. Are you supporting your video content with other marketing assets? How many places can you share your content? Start small and build up. Videos that perform well and deliver results are ‘driven’ hard, shared effectively and supported by a strategy. Information MUST be relevant, timely and appropriate.

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The start of a new year is a great time to reflect upon and review our current marketing efforts, consider what did and didn’t work last year, and how we can move forward more positively.

Many of us will either be seeking inspiration, actively planning or already implementing 2018’s digital strategy. Each year, as the list of viable channels, platforms, mediums, partnerships, techniques, and approaches grows, your strategy must also evolve and adapt in order to hit the target!

Regardless of size or sector, all businesses are now turning to video and animation, seeking ways of standing out from competitors, attracting new customers and adding value to existing ones. Thankfully achieving the above needn’t be expensive or complicated, and by following a process, your organisation should be able to create and share content that helps achieve your objectives.

Load (Plan)

Nothing great was achieved with a plan (or in the absence of a plan, heaps of luck…), so prepare to do some legwork in understanding who you are speaking to, what you wish to tell them and where you’ll meet them (online…)

Most businesses should know on which social channels, forums, websites and blogs, your target customers ‘hang out’. Whether B2B channels like LinkedIn or talking directly to consumers on Facebook and Twitter, for example, it’s imperative you discover where they are BEFORE you develop your campaign or content.

The type of content (promotional, educational etc.) you develop will be reflected by your campaign objectives. Are you hoping to sell more widgets, explain a process, build your brand, promote an event… the list is long, but once you understand why you are making the content, it’s much easier to structure your ideas.

Take Aim (what content)

Are you creating this ‘in-house’ or seeking professional support? Acknowledge your limitations as a content producer and…