How One Man Grew His Social Media Brand to Reach Millions

How One Man Grew His Social Media Brand to Reach Millions

Author: Nathan Resnick / Source: Entrepreneur Building a massive online following as a blog or online publication in 2017 is a complicate

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How One Man Grew His Social Media Brand to Reach Millions

Building a massive online following as a blog or online publication in 2017 is a complicated task. There are tons of other people trying to do the same and there is a constant battle for attention.

Combine that with the fact that truly original content is rare, as content creators increasingly lift and repurpose others’ content in a never-ending race to create viral growth, and you have quite a difficult path ahead. Without significant capital backing, a large team or an existing following, it takes years to build an influential following online much less create mega publishing platforms like The Huffington Post, Elite Daily or BuzzFeed.

Simply put: It takes a long time to build an audience online, and it’s never easy!

This uphill battle doesn’t seem to bother Chicago entrepreneur Case Kenny, who founded in 2014 and has since amassed a readership of over 10 million per month.

Kenny unabashedly says he created PRSUIT to be the most influential online content platform for a certain subset of millennials — those who want long-form, substantive content (no memes or animal quizzes).

Kenny created his daily online publication PRSUIT with the mission of spreading perspective that inspires through original content that is focused on transparency. Over the course of three years, Kenny has built a massive social following and an evening bigger readership.

To achieve this level of growth, Kenny focused on four main keys for development:

1. Be original

To build a loyal following that respects your online brand or publication, you have to be original in every sense of the word. Kenny manages over 500 regular contributors yet his team only publishes one piece of content a day on Doing so allows him to avoid the pitfall so many online publications fall into: creating content for content’s sake in order to get pageviews.

By focusing on one piece of original content per day,…