Have We Suddenly “Over-Storied” the Social Web?

Have We Suddenly “Over-Storied” the Social Web?

Author: Arik Hanson / Source: Business 2 Community First, there were Snapchat Stories. Those fun, whimsical little snapshots into our days

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First, there were Snapchat Stories. Those fun, whimsical little snapshots into our days broadcast for 24 hours on the (previously) hot social app.

Then, last August, Instagram introduced its own version of “Stories” to the world. And people flocked. According to Bloomberg, in the 25 weeks since launch, Instagram Stories has reached 150 million daily users. That’s the same number of users that Snapchat’s whole app reportedly hit around June 2016. Snapchat’s CEO recently said there’s been an average decline in Snapchat Stories views of 20 to 30 percent from August until mid-January. And anecdotally, I noticed a TON of my friends using Instagram Stories over the last few months.

Then, a couple weeks ago, Facebook introduced IT’S version of Stories. However, this version has been met with less than the expected enthusiasm from the Facebook brass. In fact, in case you haven’t noticed, Facebook is “ghosting” your friends to guilt them into using the new tool.

But, the bigger picture here is clear: “Stories” as a social device, is now everywhere.

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And, while users have globbed onto the “Stories” feature in a big way–first on Snapchat, and now on Instagram–it appears we may be reaching a saturation point.

The initial Facebook results highlight just that. Very few people are using Stories on…