How to Avoid Stale Content with These 21 Ideas for Your Upcoming Social Media Posts

How to Avoid Stale Content with These 21 Ideas for Your Upcoming Social Media Posts

Recognize how people use social media. Find posts of real people using your products, and share them with your followers. Customer case studies Show your social media followers how you helped one of your clients do something. No matter what type of business you have, you can come up with a way to create a case study based on the experience of one of your customers. Share this news with your social media followers. Share your findings with your social media followers. That’s because all the content posted will be exposed to many people. If you’re already posting too much video content and you want to change your strategy, you could also post a “how to” list. Throwback photos If you’re running out of photos to post and don’t have time to take more yourself, you can always look through your archives. What type of content are you sharing on social media to engage your followers?

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Social media has changed the way we live.

As marketers, we need to recognize how our current and prospective customers are utilizing these platforms and use that knowledge to our advantage. Ultimately, you want to be able to convert your social media followers into customers.

But this is much easier said than done.

Sure, you were able to get people to follow your profiles initially. That’s a great first step.

However, if you can’t post engaging content, your followers will get bored and won’t convert.

They may even decide to unfollow your accounts.

In fact, a recent study from Sprout Social suggests that 41% of people unfollow a brand on social media because they feel the information isn’t relevant to them. And 46% of users unfollow a brand because it posts too much, while 18% of people unfollow a brand because it doesn’t post enough.

You don’t want to fall into any of these categories.

Recognize how people use social media. With so much content to consume, your followers won’t engage with your posts if the content is boring.

If you’ve been posting the same thing over and over again on all your platforms, your content has already grown stale.

Some of you may not be posting anything at all, simply because you don’t know what to post.

No matter what your situation is, you can benefit from reading this guide. I’ll show you how to effectively market your small business on social media with the top 21 ideas for your upcoming posts.

1. Your latest blog post

Once you publish a new blog post, you should share it with your social media followers.

Take a look at how I do this on my Facebook page:

patel blog

There are lots of benefits to posting this type of content.

In addition to giving you something new to post, it will also drive more traffic to your website. Right now, it’s unlikely your customers are visiting your site on a daily basis.

They may not even know you published a new blog post unless you tell them.

Posting it on social media also exposes your blog to a wider audience. Now people who are friends with your followers can see this post and potentially navigate to your profile or website.

It’s a great opportunity for you to scale your lead generation through blogging.

2. Poll your followers

Create a poll.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all have options for you to poll your followers.

A poll invites your followers to engage. They’ll share their opinions and spend more time on your profile.

There are lots of ways for you to leverage these polls.

You can use them to gain insightful information about your followers, get their opinions about a new idea, or just have some fun.

Check out this example from The Muse on Twitter:

What will they do with the results of this poll?

Who knows? But 223 people already voted!

If you’re looking for something new to post that will drive engagement, a poll is definitely a top option for you to consider.

3. Use emojis

No matter what platform you’re posting on, you should be using emojis in your posts. That’s because emojis can help you improve your click-through rates.

In fact, 92% of people online use emojis.

A recent study from AdEspresso showed that Facebook headlines with emojis generated 241% more clicks than those without one.

Emojis will improve your engagement metrics.

4. Photos of your employees

Share photos of the people who make your business possible. Without your employees, you wouldn’t be able to operate.

Sharing this type of content helps humanize your brand.

Your followers will see the faces behind the company. They’ll see exactly who is creating the products they’re consuming and learn what goes on behind the scenes.

Sharing photos of your employees will also boost your engagement. That’s because pictures with faces get 38% more likes:


Sure, you could post pictures with your face as well. But that will get stale after a while too.

Depending on the size of your business, some of you may have dozens of employees.

This gives you lots of chances to post new content with a new face every time.

5. Video promos

You need to post videos on social media.

More than half of marketers across the globe say video is the type of content that delivers the highest return on investment.

Further, 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching a branded video on social media.

Social media videos generate more than 1,200% more shares than images and text combined.

Take a look at how Thule used this strategy on one of its recent Facebook posts:


Notice that the caption is related to the promotion.

“Explore the city. With your family.”

The video shows a mother and father going for a walk with their baby in one of Thule’s strollers.

Video content is a great way to mix up your posts because the options are nearly endless.

6. New products

You’re in business to make money.

Use your social media posts as a way to build hype for a new product launch.

This is a great chance for you to expose your products to your followers even before the products officially get released.

Once the product is available for purchase, you can take advantage of features such as Instagram shoppable posts to drive sales.

7. User-generated content (UGC)

When you’re running out of ideas of what to post on social media, you can always turn to UGC for ideas.

Look through your mentions, direct messages, and hashtags related to your brand.

Find posts of real people using your products, and share them with your followers.

User-generated content will ultimately build trust between you and your customers.


Posting UGC will also encourage the rest of your followers to share content related to your brand in the future. They’ll do this with the hopes you’ll use their content the next time you share a user post.

8. High quality photos

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