How To Rev Up Your Video Marketing Strategy

How To Rev Up Your Video Marketing Strategy

Author: Sara Dyer / Source: Alabama Media Group It’s no secret that the use of video has been on the rise in recent years. Digital video

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It’s no secret that the use of video has been on the rise in recent years. Digital video has interrupted traditional media, especially television. As TV viewing has decreased, streaming video content online has increased as 6 out of 10 people in the U.S. now prefer online video platforms to live TV. Marketers should leverage this ongoing trend to capture their audience in the visual messages they convey. Whether your company is on the Fortune 500 list, locally-owned in a small market or somewhere in between, the use of digital video is now a crucial component in successful marketing campaigns. Here are some ways you can boost your video marketing strategy:

1. Create and maintain a YouTube Channel
Having a YouTube channel is a great way to visually present relevant information. However, once a channel is started it needs to be constantly maintained to be successful. This goes beyond simply uploading a video once a week and hoping people watch it. Because 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, it is critical that the channel is managed and promoted efficiently to break through all the clutter. Using clever video titles and making sure the…