How to Write the Perfect Business Blog Post

How to Write the Perfect Business Blog Post

Author: Steve Lazuka / Source: Entrepreneur Business blogging is one of the basic tenets of inbound marketing, and one of the best ways f

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How to Write the Perfect Business Blog Post

Business blogging is one of the basic tenets of inbound marketing, and one of the best ways for businesses to gain greater online visibility. It drives traffic to company websites, aims to convert that traffic into leads, helps establish authority and drives long-term results. If you want to write great business blog content it requires a certain skill level to achieve those goals. There may never truly be a “perfect” blog post, but there are strategies you can use to make the ones you write stand out from the rest.

Business blog content that delivers

There are two things that that seem to separate good content writing from bad and, more importantly, the good from the best. Outlined below are business blogging tips that will help you maximize a brand’s online identity. Before jumping into the actual writing, it helps to ask two preliminary questions.

  1. How does this help? What unique angle can you bring to a post that will also help the audience? Many business blog posts are well-written, but if the content doesn’t meet the need of its intended audience, it doesn’t hold much worth. Great business blog content speaks to the reader’s interests, needs, preferences and pain points. Strive to write about a topic in a way no one has done before. Look to your own unique skills, experience or opinions to see what fresh perspective you can bring to the conversation.
  2. What is the reader thinking? Who are the targeted readers? Put yourself in their shoes and figure out what value the blog post will provide. Consider the business blogs you read yourself — what draws you in, and what about them says “thought leader” to you? Tap into your vast store of knowledge on a topic and, if you don’t…