Your Must-Have Checklist for Successful Blog Promotion (Infographic)

Your Must-Have Checklist for Successful Blog Promotion (Infographic)

Follow this blueprint consistently to make some noise with your content marketing. Draft several different sets of social copy for organic posts tailored to each network. Write attention-grabbing subject lines, and A/B test to optimize. Include links for recipients to share socially directly from the email. Spread the word There are additional actions you can take to maximize your blog post’s reach and impact. Share directly with high-value customers who are most likely to find the post useful. Thank influencers and peers who shared your post; pay back the favor by sharing their content. Hit ‘publish’ and promote on Creating an exceptional blog post is hard work. Draft several different sets of social copy for organic posts tailored to each network. Please note: All tools included in our blog posts are suggested by authors, not the CMI editorial team.

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Editor’s note: Given ongoing demand for better content promotion, the author updated his earlier posts on blog promotion with this fresh checklist.

Unfortunately, while you might like to click “publish” on a blog post and wipe your hands clean, savvy marketers recognize that the work is only beginning. Without an effective and repeatable process for promoting blog posts and maximizing their visibility, all the hard work spent creating them can easily go to waste.

To help you with this component, I’d like to present a fresh take on a handy infographic that my team created in 2012, The Future-Proof Checklist for Promoting Your Blog Post, which you can find below in infographic and text form.

While important, most of these actions are more procedural than creative, letting you reserve your brainpower for the blog post creation process. By following this checklist, which is customized to highlight today’s (and tomorrow’s) most impactful amplification techniques, you can be confident you’re doing all that is necessary to squeeze every last drop of juice from your content.

Read it, save it, print it, pin it. Follow this blueprint consistently to make some noise with your content marketing.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

1. Get visual

The data is clear: Strong visuals are needed to grab the attention of today’s web user. If you’re including all text or only dull stock images, you’re not setting yourself up for success. We recommend including in any blog post:

  • One bold and relevant feature image
  • Two additional images to support the body and narrative of your text
  • One punchy interactive or animated visual embed (meme, GIF, short video, etc.)

2. Optimize for search

SEO best practices change as quickly as the algorithms that dictate them, but some cornerstones for gaining search visibility will never go out of style:

  • Identify a target keyword, plus several longtail variations, and populate them throughout your post.
  • Run Google searches for these terms to learn about types of content already ranking.
  • Use tools like BuzzSumo and Answer the Public to find out what’s trending socially around the topic.
  • Write a meta description that accurately depicts what’s inside and compels a click.
  • Draft an irresistible title tag that includes your target keyword.
  • Crosslink to other relevant content within your post, leveraging keywords in anchor text.

3. Plan for social

Social media is made for sharing. But with so much sharing going on across every network, a well-crafted approach is critical. You’ll want to lay groundwork for a sound social strategy, mixing organic and paid promotion. Take these steps before clicking “publish”:

  • Develop a budget for paid reach on the channels used most by…