I went to a women’s college, which meant I spent every Valentine’s Day handing out homemade cupcakes and asking students to buy tickets to the annual production of The Vagina Monologues (which I was always in). At the time, I didn’t know the experience was a lesson in lead generation. It was incredibly frustrating to hand someone a cupcake and deliver my spiel about the play, only to have them say, “Oh, that’s cool” through a mouthful of icing and walk away. “It took forever to mix that icing. Infographics, as we all know, are the vegan buttercream of content marketing. Each infographic takes a lot of time to produce. Once copy has been delivered to the design team, your marketing department is in for several rounds of tweaking little details. If you use all this data to optimize your infographics, you’ll hopefully nab a few interested parties when you share your visual content online. Don’t just let them take the cupcake and walk away. After all, you have a show to promote.
I went to a women’s college, which meant I spent every Valentine’s Day handing out homemade cupcakes and asking students to buy tickets to the annual production of The Vagina Monologues (which I was always in). At the time, I didn’t know the experience was a lesson in lead generation.
It was incredibly frustrating to hand someone a cupcake and deliver my spiel about the play, only to have them say, “Oh, that’s cool” through a mouthful of icing and walk away. “It took forever to mix that icing. It’s vegan buttercream,” I’d grumble, not realizing that I had botched lead generation and had only barely spread brand awareness.
Infographics, as we all know, are the vegan buttercream of content marketing. If data is your sugar, then your visual metaphor is your…