Is Your Marketing Plan Ready for 2017?

Is Your Marketing Plan Ready for 2017?. Regardless, it’s time re-boot your small business marketing efforts. As you look toward the new year and think new plan. Fine-Tune Your Marketing Plan A strong marketing strategy is key to ensuring your product is seen by your potential customers. Then, with your small business marketing strategy in place, you’re ready to explore which marketing channels you want to concentrate on in 2017. And just as you have an overall marketing strategy, you need a content marketing strategy. Ideally, the new year is a great time to launch new content or channel try quick videos on snapchat, if you target customer is using the social channel. Some small business owners think that because content marketing is essentially free, it’s not worth devoting time to. But the truth is, the less money you’re prepared to spend on content and social media, the more time you will need to devote for it to be effective. Content is still king, so try something new to mix up your content.

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It’s almost Thanksgiving, and that means it’s time to get your
plans together for how you will generate even more revenue in 2017.
Whether your business counts on holiday shopping to boost revenues,
or it’s a ghost town in your office after Turkey Day. Regardless,
it’s time re-boot your small business marketing efforts. You want
to look at your revenues for the year, who were you top customers
or product sales, and you’ll want to evaluate your close ratios to
see what closed and and how long it took. As you look toward the
new year and think new plan. Here are some ideas for updating your
marketing plan for 2017.

Fine-Tune Your Marketing Plan

A strong marketing strategy is key to ensuring your product is
seen by your potential customers. A good starting point for doing
this is
reassessing your market
by answering some fundamental

Your answers will help you shape your marketing strategy. When
you have done this, it’s time to define your ideal customer:

When you have identified your ideal customer, the next step is
to determine what leads them to make a purchase. Are there any new
benefits you can highlight? What you’re ultimately trying to do is
illustrate more value to the customer. You must be solving a
problem. Maybe it makes the morning routine smoother or it makes
something cheaper, easier or faster. You’re helping the customer
envision achieving a goal by answering the question, “What’s in it
for me?”
