Lazy Content Marketing Does Not Inspire the Masses

Lazy Content Marketing Does Not Inspire the Masses

Phrases like content marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing, and the like can float past a person and result in a yawn. This is basically a matter of creating a relationship with your audience. The content marketing of today involves strategic components. You see, content marketing, while it does involve writing, is not only about writing. Understand the ROI of Content Marketing The basic premise that is the foundational point of “The Content Formula” (by Michael Brenner and Liz Bedor) is the calculation of the return on investment (ROI) that content marketing provides. Sometimes passion has to do with the material that you are writing about and sometimes it is the writing itself that is the passion for you. It is about sparking it and then moving on from there, even in this beautiful world of content engagement. Well, that is the next topic… engagement. The idea is that the goal is 1000 true fans rather than millions of contacts on the list. If content marketing is your goal, then you need to ensure that there is an aspect of engagement built into your process (which includes writing).

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Lazy Content Marketing Does Not Inspire the Masses

Phrases like content marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing, and the like can float past a person and result in a yawn.

This yawn is probably because the reader needs some sleep, but lost passion can also contribute to that yawn.

When the marketer, whether it is you or another agency, loses the passion for what they are doing, the audience knows it! It is as evident as if you wrote it in a social media post, tweet, or the blog. It is almost as if you wrote it as a sentence in your blog article

So, how do we light a fire under us to keep that passion going? How do we ensure that our readers are not clicking off the page to go to another site?

Defining Content Marketing

The definition of content marketing, from 15 years ago, to the definition of content marketing now, is different.

Without going into the past (and professionally confusing ourselves), let’s focus more on what content marketing is today.

Content marketing has more to do with eliciting engagement from your target audience. This is basically a matter of creating a relationship with your audience. By doing so, you are hopefully obtaining that engagement on the first piece of content that they see, but also encouraging them to return to engage some more, on additional pieces.

Doesn’t that sound like the makings of a good business-customer relationship to you?

Content marketing is also more of a strategy than it is an item on a task list. It becomes the framework on which the building of your task list happens. There is the case of it becoming a strategic framework for the marketing of your business. It is also the dissemination of information related to your niche (helping to build your subject matter expert standing; niche authority; and branding).

The content marketing of today involves strategic components. OnPoint Marketing mentions one of them in a way that is easier for us to picture and helps to define content marketing using one of the methods, which is that of aiming for the low-hanging fruit. You see, content marketing, while it does involve writing, is not only about writing.

Let’s find out what that entails.

Understand the ROI of Content Marketing

The basic premise that is the foundational point of “The Content Formula” (by Michael Brenner and Liz Bedor) is the calculation of the return on investment (ROI) that content marketing provides.

Granted, it is much more than that, but it is definitely helpful in the area of ROI…