Live Oct 9! AMA with Matthew Howells-Barby, Nick Eubanks & Ian Howells, Founders of Traffic Think Tank

Live Oct 9! AMA with Matthew Howells-Barby, Nick Eubanks & Ian Howells, Founders of Traffic Think Tank

Matt, Nick, and Ian founded Traffic Think Tank, a private SEO community, in December 2017. Less than a year on and the business has generated $400k ARR and continues to grow month after month. After years of leading digital campaigns at some of the most respected agencies in the UK, Matt was hired as HubSpot’s Global Head of SEO. Within two years, it’d skyrocketed over 200%. As HubSpot’s Director of Acquisition, he’s helped the company double sitewide conversions. He’s been a keynote speaker on stages like MozCon, SearchLove, INBOUND, SXSW and GrowthHackers. And he’s just getting started. At this point, Fortune 100s hire him just to keep him from competing with them. When it comes to technical SEO and information architecture, Nick’s the one guy you definitely want to have on your team—and now, you do. He’s more of a “shut up and rank sh*#!” guy.

Live Aug 7! AMA with Merci Grace, former Head of Growth at Slack
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Matt, Nick, and Ian founded Traffic Think Tank, a private SEO community, in December 2017. Less than a year on and the business has generated $400k ARR and continues to grow month after month. Here’s a little more information on each of the founders of Traffic Think Tank

Matthew Howells-Barby

Matt has built his entire career on his ability to drive results. After years of leading digital campaigns at some of the most respected agencies in the UK, Matt was hired as HubSpot’s Global Head of SEO. Within six months, he’d grown organic traffic by more than 50%. Within two years, it’d skyrocketed over 200%. As HubSpot’s Director of Acquisition, he’s helped the company double sitewide conversions.

Matthew also advises on acquisition for startups and tech firms like BuildFire (0 to 1MM visitors in 9 months) AppInstitute (300% increase in organic traffic in 3 months), Formlabs, Groove, Deputy, and Lumanu.

He’s been a keynote speaker on stages like MozCon, SearchLove, INBOUND, SXSW and GrowthHackers. And…