Millennials Looking for Small Business Jobs Deep in the Heart of Texas and OKC

Millennials Looking for Small Business Jobs Deep in the Heart of Texas and OKC

Author: Joshua Sophy / Source: Small Business Trends It’s generally assumed that millennials are seeking jobs in coastal cities — New Yor

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Cities Where Millennials Want to Work for Small Businesses

It’s generally assumed that millennials are seeking jobs in coastal cities — New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles.

But new data from shows that millennials looking to work for small businesses are actually narrowing their searches toward inland cities.

Cities Where Millennials Want to Work for Small Businesses

In fact, when identifying metro areas where millennials are most often looking for work at small businesses. Oklahoma City topped the job board’s list, not L.A. or New York.

This is the latest crop of data looking at generational trends among job seekers.

Outside of Oklahoma — but not too far away — three Texas cities made Indeed’s top 10 destinations for millennial job seekers. Those hot spots for small business jobs include Houston, Austin, and Dallas/Fort Worth.

Greensboro and Raleigh, North Carolina, are second and tenth, respectively,…