Natural Language’s Impact on Content Marketing: A #CMWorld Chat with Sean Van Guilder

Natural Language’s Impact on Content Marketing: A #CMWorld Chat with Sean Van Guilder

Author: Monina Wagner / Source: Have you ever talked to Alexis or Siri? Searched for a restaurant or store “nea

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Have you ever talked to Alexis or Siri? Searched for a restaurant or store “near me”? Or have you run a sentiment analysis of social media posts? That’s natural language processing (NPL) doing its work.

On a recent #CMWorld Twitter chat, we discussed natural language and its impact on content marketing with Sean Van Guilder, Director of SEO at Point It. What follows are some of the many insights from the chat. Want more information on NLP? Be sure to read our Storify.

Defining NLP

Natural Language Processing is about machines imitating the way humans understand language. By extracting intelligence from human language, we can get smarter about our content and provide a better experience to…